CTM Trustee Candidate Q & A

There are ten candidates running to be a CTM Trustee for five seats up for election. Each candidate was offered the chance to answer five questions and make a comment. Replies were limited to 50 words per question/comment. Candidates were not required to reply. The replies are listed below in the order they were received. Voting will occur Monday December 4th at 6PM prior to the usual CTM meeting at 7PM.

Stephanie Gilbreath Response:

Q1 What special skills would you bring to the board and what committees would you want to serve on? My areas of experience include non-profit fundraising, event planning, research, writing, print production (magazines), retail business ownership, historic house renovation. My primary committees of interest include Housing & Zoning and Arts & Culture. I am happy to put fundraising and publishing skills to work as needed.

Q2 What are your top 5 priorities for Clifton?

Historically sensitive revitalization of business district.
More respect/cooperation between Clifton special interest groups.
Transparent, communicative, thoughtful school development that accommodates needs/concerns of all stakeholders (households with and without children).
CCAC relocation within Clifton.
Positive PR for Clifton. Too many recent citywide news stories are negative.

Q3 Why are you running to be a Trustee? I love the unique character of Clifton. I now have the time and energy available to serve the community and skills to put to use. My family and I benefit every day from living here and I believe in giving back.

Q4 What would you care most about as a trustee? Clifton is made up of singles, couples, families with children of all ages, renters, homeowners, business owners, young, old and everyone in between. It is vital that CTM recognize and represent needs and priorities of all these demographics (especially when they clash) when making decisions or communicating with the City.

Q5 What is your opinion on new development in Clifton such as with the Clifton Merchants Lot? At the Merchant’s Lot planning meeting, I was pleased that the city and developers began the process with community input. Our business district needs updating to maintain Clifton’s reputation as one of Cincinnati’s premier neighborhoods and attract homebuyers, shoppers and vibrant businesses to our neighborhood.

Optional Comment: I hope you will consider me when you vote for CTM Trustees. It would be an honor and a pleasure to serve all of Clifton’s residents. Happiest of holidays (whichever you choose to celebrate) to you and yours.

Sean Hare Response:

Q1 What special skills would you bring to the board and what committees would you want to serve on? As an urban planner I have experience in community organization, outreach, and the technical aspects of city living. I also have experience in design and mural creation. I would be interested in the Transportation, Parks, Public Art, Housing and Zoning, and the Beautification committees.

Q2 What are your top 5 priorities for Clifton?

Helping to shape a resilient and sustainable future for the neighborhood
Public art development
Creating a proper response to new development in Clifton
Promoting a more bike friendly and accessible neighborhood
Promoting placemaking to enhance the unique-ness of Clifton even more

Q3 Why are you running to be a Trustee? When I moved here, in 2015, I fell in love with the character and people of this neighborhood which welcomed me so graciously. I am young and looking to get involved in my community, and feel I would bring fresh perspective to an organization like CTM.

Q4 What would you care most about as a trustee? I would care most about creating a vibrant future for our community. I feel that working with the future generations of Clifton residents in mind is crucial to being a Trustee and I would work to make sure that our actions are forward thinking.

Q5 What is your opinion on new development in Clifton such as with the Clifton Merchants Lot? I see these developments as opportunities for enhancing Clifton as a community. Through new public spaces, retail opportunities, and new residents, I feel that Clifton is a great community that could be made even better through these projects and the input of our great residents in guiding these projects.

Optional Comment: I feel my professional background would help our community greatly during these times of change and my younger perspective would help in providing a voice to members of Clifton who tend to not be involved in CTM. I look forward to serving you all. Thank you.

Micah Ovadia Response:

Q1 What special skills would you bring to the board and what committees would you want to serve on? My bachelor’s degree in Visual Communications and master’s degree in Public Relations will be helpful in communicating initiatives to the public and soliciting feedback. The Website/Social Media committee would be an ideal fit for my skill set. I am also interested in the proposed Art and Culture Committee.

Q2 What are your top 5 priorities for Clifton?

Support Howell Development Project
Support creation of Entertainment District
Find home for CCAC
Address problem of increasing graffiti
Encourage installation of public art

Q3 Why are you running to be a Trustee? As the owner of a business in Clifton, I have a vested interest in the economic, aesthetic and social well-being of our community. As a Trustee, I would have an opportunity to positively impact these areas and cultivate an atmosphere welcoming not only to business, but to residents, as well.

Q4 What would you care most about as a trustee? I would care most not about a single particular issue, but about the potential impact our decisions as a whole might have on our community and its residents. Helping to shape the future of an historic neighborhood is an awesome responsibility. Open communication and transparency with the public is key.

Q5 What is your opinion on new development in Clifton such as with the Clifton Merchants Lot? I am excited about new development in Clifton, particularly with regard to the Clifton Merchants Lot. An influx of residents will contribute to the vitality of the area and stimulate economic growth. I am, however, adamant that the project must respect the needs and wishes of our community.

Optional Comment: This is an exciting period for Clifton. With new projects in the works and in the pipeline, it is important that public input and involvement is solicited. With your support, I will strive to address the requirements and concerns of our community and solidify a prosperous future for Clifton.

Buddy Goose Response:

Q1 What special skills would you bring to the board and what committees would you want to serve on? I am a doer, I find talking incessantly about an issue to the detriment of getting anything done to be incredibly frustrating. I will push to get things done. I think the committees; business, events and beautification are my interests.

Q2 What are your top 5 priorities for Clifton?

Community engagement – find a way to get more neighbor involvement.
Neighborhood business support – revitalize AND SUPPORT our business district.
Community school -critical to attracting new home owners.
Healing division – get over the divisive rhetoric from the formation of Clifton Market
Beautification-keep our neighborhood beautiful

Q3 Why are you running to be a Trustee? Our community is the best neighborhood in Cincinnati. However, the number of neighbors that are actively involved in our community is small. I see the same people over and over involved in community events. I want to encourage involvement and foster communication.

Q4 What would you care most about as a trustee? Finding ways to increase neighbor involvement and to support our business district.

Q5 What is your opinion on new development in Clifton such as with the Clifton Merchants Lot? I favor development in our community. The Merchants’ Lot development is the type of progressive thinking we need to maintain our neighborhood vibrancy. The community input sought shows the level of commitment to our community we look for from a developer.

Optional Comment: A key to attracting new home buyers and new businesses is keeping our neighborhood a vibrant place. The Ludlow Business District is crucial. Let’s all work to visit and support all of our local businesses.

Vince Metzger Response:

Q1 What special skills would you bring to the board and what committees would you want to serve on? Public Safety and Education. I live and work in Clifton and work with a diverse group of people and try understand everyone’s needs. That may not sound like a skill but too many people only look at things from their perspective.

Q2 What are your top 5 priorities for Clifton?

Neighborhood unity – We need to stand together so we can move forward.
Education – Clifton is undergoing a major change and we need all of Clifton’s schools to be successful.
Keeping CCAC and Clifton Market in Clifton
New Development
Public Safety

Q3 Why are you running to be a Trustee? As someone who intends to reside in this neighborhood for 30+ years, I care deeply about Clifton and what happens here, I would like to be more involved in the political process and moving us forward in a positive way.

Q4 What would you care most about as a trustee? My aim is to put forth a positive energy focused on showing the neighborhood of Clifton and the city of Cincinnati that our residents are positive, productive and intelligent and that we can work together in a civil and peaceful manner.

Q5 What is your opinion on new development in Clifton such as with the Clifton Merchants Lot? I’m excited about new development in Clifton. While Clifton has a lot to offer its residents and neighbors, I think some new business and residences are an exciting change. Adding new assets and keeping the existing ones can only make Clifton better.

Optional Comment: I pledge to always treat others with respect and talk through differences in a way that identifies things that we can agree on. My votes and resolution proposals will be clearly defined and reasonable.

Gina Marsh Response:

Q1 What special skills would you bring to the board and what committees would you want to serve on? I have a strong understanding of ways to revitalize our business district from my experience with the Ludlow 21 Working Group and Clifton 20/20. As an attorney and executive director for a nonprofit, I can help implement improved governance of CTM. I prefer the Business District and Bylaws Committees.

Q2 What are your top 5 priorities for Clifton?

Implementing recommendations of the Ludlow 21 report to improve the business district.
Ensuring meaningful community engagement in business district development.
Ensuring success of the new neighborhood school.
Ensuring Clifton is proactive on City decisions affecting the neighborhood.
Improving governance and maintaining professionalism on the board.

Q3 Why are you running to be a Trustee? I would like to use my skills and experience to enhance the positive impact that CTM brings to the community and to improve CTM’s reputation as a collaborative and inclusive organization. CTM should be a welcoming forum where residents feel comfortable expressing their viewpoints on issues of concern.

Q4 What would you care most about as a trustee? The business district will likely undergo significant changes over the next few years, including a large-scale mixed-use development on the Merchant’s Lot. The top priority for me will be helping to ensure that these improvements respect the unique character of Clifton and allow for meaningful engagement from residents.

Q5 What is your opinion on new development in Clifton such as with the Clifton Merchants Lot? I believe the proposed development could offer many benefits, including a new, much-needed housing option for Clifton residents, additional parking, and more customers for our small businesses on Ludlow Avenue. It will help our business district and our neighborhood remain competitive with others in the City.

Rama Kasturi Response:

Q1 What special skills would you bring to the board and what committees would you want to serve on? I am a research scientist by training and have used my grant writing expertise to garner funds for various community projects. I have developed fundraising expertise through my work with the Clifton Market. I am Chair of the Parks Committee, and work closely with the Beautification Committee on Sustainability issues.

Q2 What are your top 5 priorities for Clifton?

Improve programming in our parks
Help green our Business District
Advocate for more support by residents of our community-funded grocery store
Better showcase Clifton’s diversity
Further civility by fostering formal conversations about our shared values as people irrespective of our diversity and differences of opinion

Q3 Why are you running to be a Trustee? I am seeking a second term as a CTM trustee. I would like to have the opportunity to finish what I have started in terms of the projects as Chair of the Parks Committee and my collaborative efforts on other community-related projects such as beautification, sustainability, Clifton House Tour etc.

Q4 What would you care most about as a trustee? Ensuring that CTM reaches out to all residents of Clifton, represents the views of a multitude of Cliftonites, and engages with other organizations in and around Clifton.

Q5 What is your opinion on new development in Clifton such as with the Clifton Merchants Lot? I support any development that is community-supported, fits well with the historic character of our Gaslight district, and makes Clifton more attractive as a walkable and livable residential community.

Optional Comment: I am happy to have had the opportunity to serve the Clifton community both as a CTM trustee and Clifton Market board member. I look forward to continuing to work with Cincinnati Parks and community partners to keep Clifton green and sustainable.

Shaun McCance Response:

Q1 What special skills would you bring to the board and what committees would you want to serve on? I work in open source technology. The work I do involves community organizing and event planning as much as it does technology. For CTM,
I’ve served on event committees, the web committee, and the executive committee as treasurer.

Q2 What are your top 5 priorities for Clifton?

Growing our business district without sacrificing its character.
Keeping Clifton walkable and accessible.
Maintaining green space.
Improving recreational facilities.
Holding regular events that bring people together.

Q3 Why are you running to be a Trustee? I’ve enjoyed serving on CTM for the last three years. I think I’ve made a positive impact on the neighborhood, and I’ve made good friends along the way.

Q4 What would you care most about as a trustee? We’re all neighbors. It’s important that we’re able to be civil, friendly, and productive even when we don’t all agree.

Q5 What is your opinion on new development in Clifton such as with the Clifton Merchants Lot? I’m in favor of new development in general, but we need to ensure it maintains the character of the neighborhood and doesn’t push out the local family businesses that define Clifton.

Click here to read the bios that candidates submitted earlier in November.

Two candidates did not reply. We hope you found this helpful in making your decision for who will be CTM Trustees.
Thank You,
Clifton Town Meeting Trustees

Bios for CTM Trustee Candidates – 2016 Election

Below are the bios for candidates running for CTM Trustee at the upcoming elections on Monday, December 5 from 6-7pm. Elections will be held at the Clifton Recreation Center on the 2nd floor in the large meeting room. The Rec Center is universally accessible to all. Take the elevator or the stairs to the 2nd floor.

Christine Celsor

Christine Celsor is an urban planner, an artist and mother of two young daughters. She works for the University of Cincinnati’s Department of Planning + Design + Construction and has over 10 years of professional planning experience. She holds a Master of Community Planning from UC as well as a Master of Arts in Art History from Indiana University. Her urban planning experience includes:
• Reviewing new residential and commercial developments for consistency with city and county plans, zoning regulations and design guidelines
• Transportation planning, with a focus on multi-modal transportation options including bike, pedestrian and transit infrastructure
• Working with planners from the City of Cincinnati and neighborhood groups in CUF and Corryville to develop an implementation plan for improving safety, quality of life and transportation options, and to guide new development
• Promoting multi-cultural/ethnic relationships by organizing “Dinner in the Park” with the Cincinnati Human Relations Commission and giving a presentation at UC’s Diversity and Inclusion Conference
• Using Geographic Information Systems software for analysis and map design
• Volunteer work as a Precinct Executive for the Hamilton County Central Democratic Committee.

Brad Hawse

I have lived in Clifton with my fiance, Ryan, for three years and we have loved every minute of it! I have been involved in our Clifton community since we first moved in. Whether helping to activate our public spaces with live music, movies and beverages on “Big Nights” for the last two years as a founding member of Ludlow21, helping the Honeysuckle Hit Squad in Burnett Woods, or helping hang holiday decorations on Ludlow, I have a passion for serving my community to make it a fun, beautiful, safe place to live.
I graduated in 2009 with an Urban Planning degree from DAAP and have experience in fundraising, zoning, non-profits and leadership development. I hope to serve as a CTM trustee and assure that Clifton continues to be one of the premier neighborhoods in Cincinnati.

Adam E. Hyland

“It has been a great honor to serve Clifton as a CTM Trustee for the past three years. I am excited about the opportunity to continue this important work and to keep tackling the big issues that face our community. Clifton’s future is bright because our foundation is built on a strong legacy of community involvement. We are a vibrant community because the residents are willing to stand up and participant in defining our neighborhood’s future while respecting the history that makes it great.”
Adam has served two years as a CTM Vice President and three years as the Chair of the Housing & Zoning Committee. Additionally he serves on the Business, Website, and Transportation Committees. Adam is the founder and principal of EccaNova, Digital Strategic Advertising and the President of the Board for Clifton Market. He is a fourth generation resident of Clifton and lives on Loraine Avenue with his wife, Marta, and son, Henry.
Adam has a degree in Urban Planning from the University of Cincinnati, DAAP; he specializes in the areas of economic development, policy planning, zoning review and urban design. He studied at the Universiteit Van Amsterdam School of Geography and at the Harvard Business School.

Seth Maney

I became a Clifton resident this year after buying a home on Clifton Avenue near Greendale. When I started looking to purchase a house, Clifton was at the top of my list. Before moving to Clifton, I lived in Over-the-Rhine for four years and served as Vice President of the OTR Community Council for over three years. Professionally, I am the Vice President of OTR-based real estate development company Urban Sites and think my experience in development will make me an asset to the Clifton Town Meeting board. I am civic-minded and take a sincere interest in the health of our neighborhood. Clifton’s gas-lit, tree-lined streets, independent business district, beautiful homes and greenspaces, diverse population, strong schools, cultural amenities, and walkability are treasures that require keen stewardship. Despite its many strengths, Clifton is not without its challenges. Increasing competition from other neighborhoods means we must find new ways to improve the quality of life of our neighborhood and strengthen the existing assets that give Clifton its charm.
I am honored to call Clifton home and wish to contribute to its legacy as one of the best neighborhoods in the city to live, work, shop, eat, and raise a family.

Kevin Marsh

In this past three years as a trustee, I have served on the Nominating, Transportation, Public Safety, Website / Social Media, Education, Membership, and Business District committees. The last two years I have also served as secretary. I also help implement events such as the Memorial Day Parade/BBQ, CliftonFest, Neighborhood Games, and Holidays on Ludlow. If you are a subscriber to the CTM email list, you get an email from me 3-4 times a month with Clifton News and the monthly meeting agenda.
My family and I have lived in Clifton for 11 years, and we love its charm and diversity. We also own a rental property in Clifton. We are invested in the long-term success of all of Clifton—our parks, our walkable and diverse business district, and our strong sense of community.
If re-elected, I will continue working on safety, education and transportation issues in our neighborhood as well as improving communications. I will also continue to increase the transparency and effectiveness of CTM so that it can amplify the voice and concerns of all residents and business owners.

Jarrod Mohler

I have been a Clifton resident for 10 years, and I was previously a resident of Clifton Heights. My wife Sharon and I live on Wood Avenue with our two children, both of whom attend Fairview and have only known Clifton as home. We love living in Clifton because of its many amenities within walking distance, the friendliness of our neighbors, and the character of the neighborhood. I look forward to the opportunity to get more involved in the community.
In my professional life I am a partner at Robbins, Kelly, Patterson & Tucker, a law firm of 24 lawyers and 50 total employees located downtown. As a business owner and a professional advisor, I understand the issues that local businesses face. In addition to my leadership roles at my firm, I have been on the Board of Directors of Visionaries & Voices, a non-profit arts organization located in Northside, and I am an active member of several professional organizations. I believe the legal expertise I have acquired through 16 years of practice, and my community and charitable work, provides a unique and valuable foundation to address issues CTM faces and its constituents’ needs.

Joyce Rich

I come again to ask for your vote. For those of you who do not know me, I can tell you that I am a long time resident of Clifton, a dog, food and wine lover, a retiree with salt and pepper hair and a woman who wants Clifton to thrive.
My trusteeship with Clifton Town Meeting has helped to bring over $125,000 of grant money into our community. Physically, this money has resulted in new parking way-finding signs, including the large lighted parking pylon identifying the Merchants Lot and the colorful awnings with LED lighting on Telford. I have served two terms as Vice President of Clifton Town Meeting. Past and current projects that I have assisted with or led include: Façade Improvement Program, Bronze Plaques Remediation, Holidays on Ludlow, the CTM Golf Outing, Clifton Branding/Logo project, the Clifton House Tour, the Deer Ad Hoc Committee, Probasco Fountain Ad Hoc Committee, The Fundraising Committee, Business Committee and Events Committee. Please don’t stop me now. Vote for me, Joyce Rich.

Bios for CTM Trustee Candidates

Below are the bios for candidates running for CTM Trustee at the upcoming elections on Monday, December 7 from 6-7pm.  Elections will be held at the Clifton Recreation Center on the 2nd floor in the large meeting room.  The Rec Center is universally accessible to all.  Take the elevator or the stairs to the 2nd floor.

Adam Balz

Adam Balz is a native Cincinnatian and a Clifton resident since 2006. He lives on Woolper Avenue with his wife, Michelle, and two children, Benjamin and Emily. Adam has been an active volunteer with CTM—planting flowers, installing holiday decorations, and coordinating the Memorial Day grill out since moving to Clifton. Adam has been a trustee of Clifton Town Meeting since 2013. He has a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science and a Master’s of Public Administration and is a partial owner of the environmental consulting firm Pegasus Technical Services.

Peter Block

I have been living in Clifton for about 12 years, married to Cathy Kramer, a long time resident. For most of my career I was an independent organizational consultant. In the last ten years I’ve worked with governments and communities on creating more citizen engagement. Author of nine books, two focused on building positive community and more connected neighborhoods.

I’m on the Board of Elementz, an Urban Arts Center, and served on Cincinnati Public Radio Board. I helped begin the Economics of Compassion Initiative which is supporting an alternative economy in the city. CTM matters and I would like to support it as trustee. All the issues of safety, zoning, events, the social fabric are important to me. My strongest interest is in the business district. Eleven empty storefronts are too many. We need to understand more fully why this is occurring and how we can co-operatively do something about this.

Ashley Fritz

I have lived in Clifton, on Middleton Avenue, for the past six years with my husband and our two sons. Clifton is a wonderful neighborhood for my family, and I really enjoy the walkability and friendliness of Clifton. However, I have the same concerns as many residents with regards to safety, education, and the continued revitalization of our business district. As a CTM trustee for the past three years, I have helped manage and edit the Clifton Chronicle and have helped organize numerous CTM sponsored events. For this year’s Clifton House Tour, I was the lead volunteer coordinator. I would like to continue my efforts with the Clifton Chronicle and CTM events, as well as collaborating with others in finding new ways to keep Clifton the best neighborhood in Cincinnati.

Erin Hinson

Erin Hinson is a young professional who has resided in Clifton since 2013. In that time, Clifton has become home to her and the place she desires to establish her roots. Erin Hinson is a proud alumni of Xavier University. She is passionate about soccer which has led her to a role as the St. Lawrence youth soccer coach in her spare time and the captain of an intramural soccer team.

When she’s not coaching or playing soccer, Erin has started several successful companies, including one where she works with small and local businesses to increase their online audience and brand. She also co-founded #UnlockCincinnati, a weekly blog for WCPO.com and a tourism-based marketing company centered around bringing awareness and traffic to the abundant local businesses in all of Cincinnati.

Malcolm Montgomery

What sets me apart from the other candidates? Passion and experience!

I would bring to CTM my passion for protecting and enhancing Clifton, my track record of accomplishments, and a seasoned perspective that will complement a Board that has many relatively new trustees.

I am one of a handful of Lifetime CTM Members. I care enough about protecting and enhancing Clifton as the best neighborhood in Cincinnati to have volunteered over a thousand hours for CTM activities. I served as a CTM Trustee twice, with one term starting in 1990 and a second in 2009. I’m proud of the many things I’ve accomplished in the last 25 years collaborating with others to deliver results for Clifton including the following:

– for our younger residents: completed soccer fields at Mount Storm
for beautification: funded landscaping for the recreation center
– for public safety: served as police liaison; funded hidden cameras to catch drug dealers on our side streets; collaborated on excessive traffic on side streets and enforcement of speed limits
– improving CTM meetings: provided and maintained audio visual system enabling the audience to hear speakers and see handouts and computer presentations
– Quality of life and enhancement of property values – chaired CTM housing and zoning committee, testified before zoning commission and city council for a more effective chronic nuisance law, for better zoning laws, for fairness in the enforcement of zoning regulations, and for neighborhood improvements

I have time to get things done. I am retired from UC and perform only occasional pro bono work in my educational technology consulting business.

Sean Mullaney

I am a lifelong Cincinnatian with brief stays in Chicago and Paris. My wife and I have lived in Clifton for 20 years and we have 2 children. My experience in design, business and real estate gives me a broad background to understand the big picture of our neighborhood. We are fortunate to have amazing parks, stunning architecture and a unique business district in Clifton. I would work to utilize and improve these assets to bring more people to live, work and play in Clifton Gaslight.

Cindy Oakenfull

I have been a Clifton resident for over ten years. My wife, Gillian, and I moved here when we were about to start our family. We chose Clifton as we wanted to raise our family in an open-minded dynamic urban environment that also provided the charm of an historic neighborhood. We now have three sons, Jack 9, Ben 6, and Danny 3. I love everything that Clifton has brought to our lives. My family feels connected to the community – its schools, its businesses, its parks, and its people.

Professionally, I’ve served in various management roles for Paramount Parks, Fifth Third Bank, and GE Capital. Each position provided me the opportunity to build distinct corporate business units within Operations, Sales and Marketing. After 16 rewarding years, I left corporate industry for academia, joining the faculty at Miami University’s Farmer School of Business, where Gillian is a marketing professor. In my short time at Miami, I have found a passion for preparing today’s students for the challenges of tomorrow’s workforce.

We care deeply about the future of this community as it stands at the core of my family’s experience. Recently, we have recognized our duty to participate in service roles within the community. Gillian has focused on education by serving on the Local School Decision Making Committee (LSDMC) at Fairview German Language School. In turn, I would like to devote my energy and expertise to the development and stewardship of our neighborhood by serving on Clifton Town Meeting Board.

Eric Urbas

CTM Trustee since Jan 2013
CTM President and Website Committee Chair
I have been a Clifton resident for over 8 years. My wife Michelle grew up in Clifton and has been a resident for most of her life. We have two children who know Clifton as their first and only home. We love living here because of the walk-ability, friendly people, and historic character of the neighborhood. It is a privilege working with and now leading this organization. I hope you will consider voting for me to a second term as Trustee. I will continue to focus on things that are positive for Clifton. I enjoy working with our community partners, business district, and the residents. I will also continue to improve the visibility of CTM and the community through the website and social media. Thank you for your consideration.

Seth Walsh

Seth T. Walsh moved to Clifton after graduating from Xavier University in 2013. He has since fallen in love with the walkable neighborhood and business district, and the friendly and welcoming community. This inspired him to co-found #UnlockCincinnati, a weekly blog for WCPO and a tourism-based marketing company to promote small business in Cincinnati, but also to start his career in community development, bringing the lively energy evident in Clifton to other neighborhoods.

Seth is the Executive Director of the Sedamsville Community Development Corporation, a tiny neighborhood just west of downtown, and is the Project Director/Associate Director for the Community Development Corporations Association of Greater Cincinnati (CDC Association). He proudly serves on the WCPO editorial board, the WCPO Community Advisory Board, is a board member for UpSpring, and is a founding member of the local Global Shapers chapter. In his spare time, Seth is working on completing a goal of reading one book on every U.S. President.

CTM Trustee Election Results

CTM Trustee elections were held on Dec. 1, 2014. Michael Moran, Rama Kasturi, Shaun McCance, and Nicholas Hollan were elected to 3-year Trustee positions beginning Jan 1, 2015. As there were 5 Trustee positions coming available in 2015, the Board voted to approve Mike Schur filling the vacancy for one year as per the By-laws. The CTM Board thanks all candidates who ran in this election and all members who voted.

2014 CTM Trustee Elections

CTM Trustee elections will be held on Dec 1, 2014 from 6-7pm prior to the monthly CTM meeting in the same day.  Elections will be held at the Clifton Cultural Arts Center (CCAC) on the 2nd floor.  Current membership is required to vote, and memberships can be paid current on election day prior to voting.  There are five 3-year Trustee positions open for election for terms beginning in 2014.  There are five candidates vying for these positions.  Candidate bios are noted below.  Election results will be announced at the CTM meeting on Dec 1.

Clifton Town Meeting Trustee Candidates for 2014 Election

Nicholas Hollan
Community service has always been a priority for Nicholas Hollan. It was here in Clifton where Nicholas lived when he graduated from UC, volunteered with the American Red Cross following Hurricane Katrina and accepted a position as the Disaster Response Supervisor for our local Red Cross.

Nicholas is a graduate of the United Way’s Board Orientation & Leadership Development program and used that training to serve on the boards of United Cerebral Palsy, The Westwood Civic Association and Invest in Neighborhoods.

Nicholas was a candidate for Cincinnati City Council in 2009 and 2011 where he was endorsed by many organizations including the Cincinnati Enquirer and City Beat. In 2010 Nicholas was recognized in the annual “Best of” edition by City Beat as “The Best sign of intelligent life on the West Side”.

In 2010, Nicholas took out an SBA Loan and opened his own business in Roselawn. The Valley Dental Management Service employs 13 healthcare professionals and works closely with local Doctors and Surgeons to provide quality dental care to low income patients.

After the premature birth of his son in 2011, Nicholas chaired the Family Team committee for the March of Dimes in 2013 and 2014.  Nicholas, Meghan and Preston were delighted to have purchased the Charles B. Russell House in 2012 and look forward to calling the Gaslight home for many more years.

John Juech
John Juech is a Clifton resident and home owner, raising his family in the neighborhood, who hopes to live in Clifton and help the community prosper for many years to come. Professionally, John currently serves as Chief of Staff to the Vice Mayor of Cincinnati, David Mann, also a Clifton resident for many decades. John has extensive experience in local, national and international politics, from advising Members of Congress and large corporations to running campaigns – such as the David Mann for Council campaign – to helping to set up democratic elections for the UN in in 2005 in Liberia, West Africa after a protracted Civil War. He has worked for the United Nations, the US Congress (don’t hold that against him), and in the private and non-profit sectors as well. Immediately prior to his current job, John was Vice President at Garten Rothkopf, an international consulting advisory firm based in Washington DC for four years. Prior to that, he served as a senior legislative assistant to US Congressman Bill Delahunt, a senior member of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee. He holds a masters in International Relations from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).

He will bring to Clifton Town Meeting a wealth of ideas married to practical experience with campaigns, public communication, fundraising, social media, and community development that can benefit the Clifton community. He also brings to CTM an understanding and relationships with key city of Cincinnati leaders at City Hall, in the City Administration, and throughout Cincinnati’s 52 neighborhoods from his work running the Vice Mayor’s office. Among his prior involvement with CTM and the Clifton Community is helping to organize the 2014 CTM golf outing, which raised a significant amount of money for the CCAC and working on a number of issues at City Hall of interest to CTM, such as the Woolper bike lane project, the Probasco Fountain, and the work on the future of Ludlow.

John has had the great privilege to travel to more than 60 countries and 46 US states. He lives on Belsaw Place with his wife Kate, a senior executive with the Clinton Foundation, and his daughter Josephine.  Their family is expanding in early 2015 and plan to put down roots in the neighborhood, raise their kids, and be there for years to come.

Rama Kasturi
Dear CTM Members,

My name is Rama Kasturi and I am seeking your support in my bid to serve as a Trustee of the Clifton Town Meeting. Many of you know me from walking in and around Clifton and Burnet Woods with my dogs for the last eighteen years, being a parent at Fairview-Clifton German Language School, or working at the University of Cincinnati.

My husband, Erik Nelson, and I have lived in Clifton with our twin children for the past 15 years when we moved from our condo on Jefferson Avenue just on the other side of Clifton! We love the historic gaslight district and its astounding diversity and neighborly atmosphere. The proximity to several beautiful urban parks, a charming movie theatre, ethnic restaurants, diverse  businesses, and a walkable grocery store all made Clifton the hands-down choice for my own home away from home.

A Biophysical Chemist by training, I have worked at P&G and at the University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine, where I taught Medical Pharmacology until last August. I am currently retired from professional life and I am actively engaged in doing as much good as I can.

With this in mind, I have decided to follow through on my desire to give back in some way to the community that my family and I so enjoy by seeking election as a Trustee of CTM.

I am specifically interested in the following:

1. Helping make the Clifton Cooperative Market a reality-every neighborhood needs a grocery store! I am an advisor to the board of the Clifton Market and serve on the Capital Campaign Committee.

2. Helping to making our business district and neighborhood more “green”: I have already been designated “Recycler-In-Chief” for CliftonFest 2015 (!). I will work to ensure that our businesses  are greener and have volunteered to create community recycling opportunities at the Clifton Cooperative Market.

3. Ensure that the diversity of Clifton is showcased and celebrated: e.g., I would like to see flags on Ludlow representing the numerous countries whose citizens now call Clifton home! Where else in Cincinnati can you live and experience the diversity of Clifton?

If elected, I will do my best to do as much good as possible for Clifton over the next three years.

Shaun McCance
I moved to Clifton because I wanted to live in a friendly, walkable neighborhood with a vibrant business district. I continue to be impressed at how the people of Clifton come together to shape their neighborhood, and I’m proud to be able to play a small part in that.

I work as a programmer, technical writer, and community liaison for a major open source software company. I served two terms on the board of directors for a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to open source and digital freedoms. I spend my days working with volunteer communities to foster open source, promote open data, and protect people’s freedoms and privacy online.

For the last year, I’ve been involved with Clifton Market, the community-owned effort to bring a grocery store back to our neighborhood. I serve as the treasurer and general records keeper, and I handle much of the technology and design work. It’s been a rewarding experience that has given me the opportunity to get to know a lot of my neighbors.

I’m a firm believer in the power of open communities. I’ve seen time and time again what people can accomplish when they’re informed and engaged. As a CTM trustee, I’d like to explore ways to continue to increase community engagement, encourage open discussion among neighbors, and better promote Clifton online.

Michael Moran
Michael Moran is a native Cincinnatian who lived in Western Hills, Mount Adams and Oakley before moving to Oxford Terrace in Clifton almost nine years ago. He studied finance and accounting at the University of Kentucky and works as a commercial real estate broker for CBRE. He’s married to Abby Moran, and they have two children, Will (8) and Maisie (6). Mike has served one term as a Trustee on Clifton Town Meeting and currently holds the Treasurer’s position. Mike also sits on the Board of Tender Mercies, Inc, an organization that provides permanent and supportive housing to the homeless and mentally ill. Mike loves living in Clifton is currently involved in rehabbing a new home in the area for his family.