CTM Board of Trustees will meet in a hybrid meeting on Monday, March 6, 2023 at 7 p.m.

The public is welcome to attend. Public input on CTM agenda items will be heard after Trustee discussion is complete.  Community members wishing to address the Board on an agenda item should sign up to speak at least 24 hours before start of the meeting by completing this Google form or with an email request directed to the president at contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org. Individual input on agenda items will last no more than two minutes.

Community members may speak on non-agenda issues during the public questions and concerns period at the end of the meeting. Individuals with statements are asked to sign in before the start of the meeting. Such statements should last not more than two minutes and are invited during the public questions and concerns period. Email your request to speak (specify the topic), or to request an agenda item at the next meeting to contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org.


Join in-person: Clifton Recreation Center, 320 McAlpin Avenue  
Join Remotely: https://meet.google.com/qym-wjou-ncx


Join in-person: Clifton Recreation Center, 320 McAlpin Avenue

Join remotely: Via Google Meets

Start TimeTopicTopic Lead
7 p.m.WelcomePres. Checco
7:01Roll call & approval of minutesSec. Gee
7:03Treasurer ReportTreas. Noonan
7:05Police ReportOfficer Dent
7:20Clifton Recreation Center ReportCoordinator Fitzpatrick
7:25Clifton Library ReportManager Strauss-De Groote
7:35Outdoor Food Pantry – Clifton Area Neighborhood School Community Learning CenterJulia Bonfield
7:45Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) PlanLiz Peak
8:05CTM Committee Roll CallCTM Trustees
8:15Liaison Roll CallCTM Trustees
8:25Community Questions/ConcernsPres. Checco
8:35AdjournmentPres. Checco

Chronicle highlights arts and culture in Clifton

The cover of the Spring 2023 Clifton Chronicle includes photography by Helen Adams, Chez Chesak, Paolo, Victor Morales, Gerald Checco, Jan Checco, Amanda Checco, Steve Schuckman, Stephen Mergner, Albert Cesare, Pam Resai, Abby Schwartz, Jason Franz, Adam Mysock, Mark Jeffreys, Siona Benjamin, Collin Fitzpatrick, Brad Shepherd, Beth McCarty, JeeEun Lee, Emalene Benson, Brenda Tarbell, Paige Wideman, and Nick Sorrell. The images highlight the arts and culture offerings in Clifton.

The Spring 2023 edition of the Clifton Chronicle, the quarterly newsletter of Clifton Town Meeting, is dedicated to the arts and culture in a neighborhood that’s long been anchored by the Skirball Museum, the Esquire Theatre, and the Ludlow Garage. More recent additions include Off Ludlow Gallery, Vada Gallery, Manifest, Improve Cincinnati and the Clifton Cultural Arts Center. Of course, neighborhood businesses and public spaces, including Clifton Plaza, the Burnet Woods bandstand and Mt. Storm, are also the site of regular music, art and theater events.

Find articles on all of these offerings, plus features about the architecture in local parks, a past mayor of Clifton, two Clifton artists from the late 19th century, and a variety of updates from community institutions.

Click here to download the spring 2023 edition of the Clifton Chronicle.

Call to Clifton residents: Vote on NSP grant proposals

Through the Neighborhood Support Program , community councils across Cincinnati can request up to $9,872 in grant funding for projects that meet certain guidelines.

All Clifton residents, regardless of CTM membership status, are able to vote on proposed ideas. Cast your vote via this Google form by 8 p.m. on Feb. 6, 2023.

Clifton Town Meeting has collected a variety of ideas from the community:

Submitted ByProjectCost
CTM/CRCPurchase Equipment for Hybrid Meetings$500
CTMMemorial Day Picnic Support$1,600
CCACCarpool Cinema – Revamp$1,200
ManifestSculpture Exhibition Outside$1,800
CRCProgramming – 4 events$1,600
CTMChronicle Support – One Publication$1,800
CBADoor for community storage safety$1,372
NSP 2023 Clifton Banner

Share your ideas for Neighborhood Support Program funding by Jan. 10

NSP 2023 Clifton Banner

Clifton Town Meeting is seeking ideas for which to apply annual Neighborhood Support Program funding. To submit an idea for 2023 Neighborhood Support Program (NSP) funding, please complete Clifton Town Meeting’s NSP2023 Idea Submission form by Jan. 10, 2023. All Clifton residents, regardless of CTM membership status, will be able to vote in-person on proposed ideas during Clifton Town Meeting’s Feb. 6, 2023 meeting.

Last year’s NSP program funded three community projects: Installation of security cameras on Clifton Plaza, sponsorship of the Clifton Cultural Arts Center’s Carpool Cinema events, and a portion of the summer publication of the Clifton Chronicle.

Through this year’s NSP program, each community council can apply for up to $9,872 to be spent by January 14, 2024. Ideas discussed by Clifton Town Meeting trustees so far include the purchase and installation of hybrid meeting technology at the Clifton Recreation Center to support greater access to CTM monthly meetings and other community events.

What other ideas do you think would benefit the Clifton community? Share your ideas with CTM via this Google form.

Eligible projects includes those in the following categories:

  • Neighborhood Leadership Development Activities
  • Communication Projects
  • Neighborhood Improvement Activities
  • Educational Activities
  • Neighborhood Services
  • Problem-Solving Projects
  • Other/Quality of Life Projects
  • Council Business/Administrative/Operations

Learn more about project eligibility at https://www.investinneighborhoods.org/nsp-guidelines/.

New Trustees Elected

Fifty-three members of Clifton Town Meeting cast ballots on Monday, Nov. 7, 2022, to elect seven trustees to seven open seats on the 15-member board. Twenty-five members voted electronically and 28 members voted in-person at the Clifton Recreation Center, 320 McAlpin Ave.

With terms beginning in January 2023, Gerald Checco, Barry Gee, Tim Noonan, Justin Ogilby, and John Whedon were each elected to 3-year terms. Rachel Wells was elected to a 2-year term, and Mansee Chauhun was elected to a 1-year term. Learn more about each candidate in this post.

Current trustees who were not up for election and will continue in their seats for another year include Genet Singh, Naghma Malik, Brendon Cull, and Mary Pat Lienhart. Continuing in their seats for another two years are Nestor Melnyk, Jan Brown Checco, Jayme Ritter and Michael Roller.

Leaving the board of trustees when their terms end in January 2023 are Robert Hamberg, Tim Maxey, and Zeeshan Tayeb.

Only current CTM members may vote in the annual trustee elections. You can renew or begin your membership by clicking here.