CTM Seeks Candidates for 2021 Trustee Elections

Dear Clifton Residents and Business Owners:

We are seeking candidates to run for Trustee positions for election prior to the 12/6/2021 meeting of the Clifton Town Meeting (CTM) Board.  If you think you might enjoy serving as a Trustee, please email contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org by October 15.

CTM is Clifton’s neighborhood community council.  As such, CTM seeks to understand the interests of ALL Clifton residents and to represent those interests with the City of Cincinnati.  We are especially interested in ensuring that the Board reflects the true diversity of our community, especially as it pertains to women and minorities.

In addition, CTM supports a wide range of events and projects that help make Clifton a great place to live, work and play. Examples include: Holidays on Ludlow, Memorial Day Parade, CliftonFest, Clifton House Tour,  restoration of the Probasco Fountain, Summer Golf Outing, design and build of the Clifton Plaza, and publication of our quarterly community newsletter, the Clifton Chronicle.

As a Trustee, you will share your voice and skills regarding community events, beautification projects, and issues related to education, safety, transportation, business development, and housing and zoning. You will also have the opportunity to collaborate with other organizations such as Uptown Consortium, Clifton Cultural Arts Center, TriHealth, Clifton Business Association,  Invest In Neighborhoods, Keep Cincinnati Beautiful,  and Clifton Community Fund.

Trustee Expectations:

  • Serve a 3 year term
  • Attend and participate in monthly CTM meetings
  • Serve on at least one CTM committee which include Arts & Culture, Beautification & Caretaking, Business District, Chronicle, and Communications, Education, Finance, Governance, Membership, Housing and Zoning, Nominating, Parks, and Transportation/Public Safety.
  • Be informed about issues that affect Clifton

If you are interested in becoming a CTM Trustee, please email contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org by October 15:  

  • Provide a telephone number if possible.  We will email you more information, but would also like to call you to answer any questions you may have.
  • You must have a current CTM Membership at the time of the election.  Memberships are available to Clifton residents, Clifton property owners, and operators of businesses in Clifton.  For more information about CTM Membership, see https://www.cliftoncommunity.org/membership/
  • Before the election, you must submit a biographical summary of 200-400 words so that voters can learn more about you.  We will email you examples from past elections.
  • Please submit your bio by 10/31/2021 so that we can include it in the next Clifton Chronicle newsletter.

If you’d like to join our energetic, committed group of CTM Trustees, please contact us soon.


CTM Nominating Committee

CTM Meeting Agenda and Link – Aug 2

Clifton Town Meeting, your community council, is having its regular monthly meeting on Monday, August 2 from 7-9pm. All our meetings are on the community calendar. We hope you will join to learn about what is happening and how you can be involved.

Click here for the meeting invite and agenda that went to email subscribers. You can become a subscriber here.

Due to the ongoing public health situation CTM will continue to hold its meetings via video and telephone conference. To join the videoconference click on the following link – http://meet.google.com/pii-pchz-bpi. To join via phone, dial (605) 937-7196 and use the following PIN – 994 211 073#.

The agenda is as follows:

7:00 / 1 minWelcome to the Google Meet electronic meeting, advice for participation
7:01 / 1 minApprove prior month’s meeting minutes from June 7
7:02 / 10 minCaptain Gregoire – Introduction of Office Shawn Dent, our new Neighborhood Liaison Officer
7: 12 / 5 minTreasurer’s Report and Finance Committee Update
7:17 / 10 minNominating Committee – attracting good candidates for 2022 Board (President, Secretary and Treasurer cycling off). Presentation of updated Committees description
7:27 / 5 minMembership Committee – establishment of Chair, Campaign for Fall 2021 – use of Chronicle for engagement, other actions
7:32 / 10 minArt and Culture Committee Update/Merchant’s Lot mural proposal
7:42 / 5 minGovernance Committee
7:47 / 10 minHousing and Zoning Committee
7:57 / 5 minEvents reports – Golf Outing, CliftonFest
8:02 / 20 minNeighborhood Activation Fund – Discussion of what projects/programming we’d like to receive up to $10K to support; KCB “Clean and Safe” grant for $10K, ideas for use
8:22 / 20 minParks Committee – resolution for dog park proposed for Burnet Woods
8:42 / 10 minCommunity Planning – expanding of the working committee to include planning pros
8:52 / 5 minIn-Person Meetings for CTM monthly Board – discussion
8: 57  / 1 minTrustee, Committee and Liaisons Announcements
8: 58  /  2 minCommunity Questions/Concerns

Emailing your issue to contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org is another effective way to have your issue or opinion considered by your trustees.  To request an agenda item for the next meeting please email your topic to contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org

Please note that public input on agenda items of pressing community concern will be heard after trustee discussion.  Community members should sign up to speak on an agenda item before the start of the meeting.  Not all agenda items will have time reserved for public input. Individual input on agenda items will be no more than two minutes.    Community members are able to speak on non-agenda issues during the public questions and concerns agenda item.  Individuals with statements are asked to sign in before the start of the meeting.  Statements will be no more than three minutes during the questions and concerns agenda item.

CTM Meeting Agenda and Link – May 3

Clifton Town Meeting, your community council, is having its regular monthly meeting on Monday, May 3 from 7-9pm. All our meetings are on the community calendar. We hope you will join to learn about what is happening and how you can be involved.

Click here for the meeting invite and agenda that went to email subscribers. You can become a subscriber here.

Due to the ongoing public health ban on mass gatherings CTM will continue to hold its meetings via video and telephone conference. To join the videoconference click on the following link – http://meet.google.com/qgf-ipso-zny. To join via phone, dial (601) 516-5653 and use the following PIN – 221 520 074#.

The agenda is as follows:

7:00 / 1 minWelcome to the Google Meet electronic meeting, advice for participation
7:01 / 1 minApprove prior month’s meeting minutes from April 5 and 17
7:02 / 5 minVote for New Trustees
7:07 / 10 minLibrary Update
7:17 / 10 minPolice District 5 Report
7:27 / 5 minFinancial Committee Report
7:32/ 5 minTreasurer’s Report
7:37 / 10 minClifton Chronicle Committee Summer update, Editor/Publisher Search
7:47 / 5 minArts and Culture
7:52 / 15 minClifton Planning Report – District 5 location and ARPA funds
8:07 / 15 minTransportation and Public Safety – Road Diet update
8:22/ 15 minParks Committee report
8:37 / 15 minHousing and Zoning – report of Mosque driveway vote, Bishop Street Boundaries
8:52 / 5 minTrustee, Committee and Liaisons Announcements
8:57 / 3 minCommunity Questions/Concerns

Emailing your issue to contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org is another effective way to have your issue or opinion considered by your trustees.  To request an agenda item for the next meeting please email your topic to contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org.

Please note that public input on agenda items of pressing community concern will be heard after trustee discussion.  Community members should sign up to speak on an agenda item before the start of the meeting.  Not all agenda items will have time reserved for public input. Individual input on agenda items will be no more than two minutes.    Community members are able to speak on non-agenda issues during the public questions and concerns agenda item.  Individuals with statements are asked to sign in before the start of the meeting.  Statements will be no more than three minutes during the questions and concerns agenda item.

8th Annual CTM Golf Outing

Join us for the 8th annual CTM Golf Outing, dinner on the Clubhouse deck and prizes!

Avon Fields Golf Course: Oldest Course West of the Alleghenies

  • Date: Saturday August 28, 2021
  • Location: Avon Fields Golf Course
  • Time: Shotgun start at 2:00 pm – 18 hole scramble
  • Dinner: 6:00 pm; welcome families and friends
  • Fee: $90 per player. Make your own foursome or we can pair you up.
  • Dinner for Extra Guests: $10 (Kids 12 and under eat for free)
  • To Register: Complete the 2021 Golf Outing Registration. Please include names of others registering as a group. This form is required even if you purchased online tickets.
  • As of Aug 24 morning, all foursomes are filled. We are sold out! This is great news!
  • Purchase Online: Due to foursomes being sold out, you now can pay for extra dinners and provide an additional donation at our online store. We use PayPal for payment. You must complete the paper registration even if you purchased online previously – this is how we will know who is in your foursome.

Clifton Market is this year’s title sponsor.

Over the years, the Golf Outing has helped raise over $60,000 for charitable causes in Clifton including the Clifton Recreation Center, Clifton Cultural Arts Center, The Cancer Institute at Good Samaritan Hospital, Burnet Woods, Clifton Fairview German Language School, Clifton Community Fund, and Little Sisters of the Poor. Proceeds this year will benefit the Clifton Area Neighborhood School PTO.

This year’s three presenting sponsors are

  • Superior Honda
  • Superior Kia
  • Robert Ditimassi & Barbra Druffel – Realtors

For more information about the event or Sponsorship Opportunities, click here to email the event leaders.

This year’s event planning and producing was led by a small team of gracious volunteers. CTM is thankful for all they did to prepare and execute this event:

  • John Whedon – Event Captain
  • Luke Blocher
  • Gerald Checco
  • Tom Dwyer
  • John Juech
  • Brian McCarren
  • Vince Metzger
  • Christina Smart
  • Andrea Steege

We are happy to have the following hole sponsors for the event.