City Zoning Revision Process

The City of Cincinnati is in the process of revising the Land Development Code for the entire City. This process will allow for several rounds of public comment and revisions before completion. CTM’s Housing & Zoning Committee will be reviewing the changes and making comments. Please email Committee chair, Adam Hyland, if you would like to be part of the review process. (


Probasco Fountain Restoration and Relocation Begins

After many months of volunteers working to develop plans with the community and the City, the Probasco Fountain restoration and relocation project will begin. A tentative construction schedule has been developed by the City, and some details are below. All work is subject to weather delays and other unforeseen events. The start date is today. The project is expected to take about 14 weeks and be completed in mid November. We will provide further updates on the project status via email announcements and our Facebook page.

The new location will be approximately 7.5’ west and 3’ north of its current location. The fountain’s top level water feature will be restored and activated at this new location.

Date / Event
Aug 7 / Disconnect utilities
Aug 11-20 / Site preparations
Aug 20 / Remove fountain
Aug 20-Sep 5 / Water main construction
Sep 5-12 / Plumbing work
Sep 15-19 / Pour foundation
Sep 22-30 / Refurbished Fountain returns
Oct 1-31 / Electrical & stone/concrete work
Nov 1-11 /  Light fixtures & benches

Woolper Avenue Construction Begins

The City of Cincinnati sent a press release today with important details about the construction and refurbishment that will take place on Woolper Avenue. The work starts on May 27. All residents on Woolper were notified previously by mail, but this is such a big project you will likely want to read the attached press release.

Woolper Avenue Reconstruction Press Release

As we get new news on the project schedule, we will post it on our website and our FB page.

TriHealth Sponsors Website


Clifton Town Meeting is grateful that TriHealth has chosen to sponsor our website. Their contribution allowed us to do a significant upgrade on the website late last year that allows for many more features including easy updating, online membership processing, a calendar, and links to Facebook.

CTM Joins Facebook

Clifton Town Meeting has a launched a Facebook (FB) page in order to broaden our communication into the community.  We recognize that some in our community will use FB more than go to our website.   We intend to feed our FB page with some Events from our website.  We will also use FB to share other news.   Please check out our growing FB page and Like us!