Howell Avenue Development Visioning Report

In spring 2017, the Clifton neighborhood approached the Cincinnati Department of City Planning to assist with facilitating a visioning meeting for a proposed development on Howell Avenue between Ormond and Clifton Avenues. City Planning staff met with Clifton Town Meeting (CTM) representatives and the Gaslight Property development team on a few occasions over the summer and fall of 2017 to discuss the potential project and the visioning meeting.

There are no sketches for this development as of yet, however the development team has proposed that the site will contain approximately 130 apartments, 7,000 square feet of retail space, and 300 parking spaces in a parking garage (half of which would be designated as public parking spaces).

The site is a combination of Commercial Neighborhood-Pedestrian (CN-P) zoning and Single-Family Residential (SF-4) zoning. As such, a zone change would be required for the site and a request for a Planned Development would be the most appropriate zoning given the parameters of the project. Once the development team submits their concept plan and a zone
change request, it would go through a public process that lasts about 4 to 6 months. If the zone change and concept plan were approved, the development team also has to submit a Final Development Plan for the project which requires further public input and review and typically lasts 2 to 3 months long.

Purpose of the Meeting
The purpose of the visioning meeting was to allow everyone an opportunity to discuss their ideas and have open conversations with the development team about their concerns and top priorities for the Howell Avenue Development site before an official zone change and concept plan request is made to the City of Cincinnati.

Summary of the Meeting
On November 8, 2017, Clifton Town Meeting, the Cincinnati Department of City Planning, and Gaslight Property hosted the Howell Avenue Development Visioning Meeting at the Clifton
Recreation Center. 50 people attended the meeting aside from City staff.

The evening began with a brief presentation about the purpose of the meeting, the background of the project, and examples of mixed use development. When shown the examples of mixed use development, attendees were asked to gauge their reactions to the images they were shown, with the emphasis that they may like or not like what they see and to begin to think about their top priorities for the breakout exercises.

After the presentation, attendees were instructed to break out into four groups to participate in the following exercises:
Round Robin and Group Dot Exercise
The facilitator (City Planner) introduced four themes to the group: (1) the use of the building, (2) architectural details/materials of the building, (3) the Clifton Plaza, and (4) landscaping/parking. Each person wrote down their top ideas or concerns on sticky notes, put them on the group theme, and then talked about their idea with the group. After all of the themes were completed, participants were asked to vote within their own group on the top priorities (they were allowed 6 votes total to spread around as they wished among the four themes).

Report Out
Once voting was completed within each group, the facilitators reported out to the entire room and named the top priorities from their group.

Entire Room Dot Exercise
The top priorities from the groups were then available to be voted on by everyone (6 votes per person).

Results from the Meeting
The top priorities from the meeting after all of the voting took place were the following (in order of the most votes):
1. Incorporate CCAC with the development and the Clifton Plaza
2. Design the development to look like the neighborhood
3. Seek out longer term residents
4. Incorporate public art with the Clifton Plaza
5. Set back the building from the street and plant trees on Howell Avenue
6. Put as much of the garage as underground as possible
7. Expand Clifton Plaza
8. Provide for larger apartments (3-4 bedrooms and 2,000+ square feet)
9. LEED Certified
10. Step down the building to the street
11. Incorporate green space along Howell Avenue
12. Minimize parking and traffic on nearby streets
13. Design the development to incorporate both modern and traditional architectural elements
14. Include a rooftop vegetable garden
All of the comments from the group discussions, the number of votes for each item, and the
voting for the top priorities are attached to this summary. Another chart (included with this report) was created that shows comments and recommendations that were made in two or more groups, but perhaps didn’t get enough votes to be included as top priorities for the whole room. Notable ideas that were named in every one of the four groups included the following:
1. Incorporate the CCAC with the development and the Clifton Plaza
2. Provide a functional rooftop (ideas for rooftop uses include: bar, restaurant, terrace, and garden)
3. Provide for larger apartments (3-4 bedrooms with 2,000 + square feet)
4. Incorporate a restaurant with outdoor dining
5. Enhance the lighting and build a water feature at Clifton Plaza
6. Install bike storage (indoors and outdoors) and keep the Red Bikes nearby
7. Conceal the parking garage with greenery or a living wall
8. Design the building with traditional, Tudor architecture in mind as well as use quality materials like brick

Results from the Survey
An online survey was also released on November 16th, 2017 in order to get additional feedback from people who were unable to attend the November 8th meeting. This survey was also printed and copies were left at the Clifton Recreation Center for people to fill out. After the survey closed on November 30th, there were 282 total respondents. Based on their feedback, the top priorities were the following (in order of the most votes):
1. Design the development to fit in/ look like the neighborhood
2. Put as much of the garage underground as possible
3. Encourage longer term residents
4. Set back the building from the street on Howell Avenue and plant streets
5. Incorporate the CCAC with the development and the Clifton Plaza
Other common ideas that were named in the survey included the following:
1. Make parking a priority on the site to increase public parking for the area
2. Incorporate condos as part of the project
3. Limit the height of the building / build within the context of the neighborhood

Click here to review the full report including a copy of the survey results and all of the comments.

Clifton Arts Survey Results

The CTM Arts and Culture Committee is presenting to the community the complete results of the recent Clifton Arts survey. We are excited to receive the community’s input and explore how we might better facilitate art in Clifton based on survey results and the limitations as a committee. Questions in the survey were derived from interviews with a variety of people in the community involved in local public art. The survey was distributed by CTM through their channels and had 146 responses. It is important to note the comments are included in their unaltered form. The comments are not necessarily representative of this committee or any other organization but rather the individual survey participants who wrote them.

As a side note, while the bar graphs are accurate, they can be misleading such as in Question 2. The percentages and vote count might be more representative of examining the data.

The committee is open to community input. Click here to send an email.

CTM Arts and Culture Committee

Peter Block – CTM Sponsor
Jan Checco
Rama Kasturi
Jennifer Krivickas
Sean Mullaney – Committee Chair
Leslie Mooney
Pat Olding
John Osterman – Survey Moderator
Joyce Rich

Click here to read the 11 page survey results.
Click here to read the survey comments.

Neighborhood School 2018 Enrollment Open

Clifton Area Neighborhood School (CANS) is ready to serve PreK – 1st Grade students in 2018-19! PreK Enrollment must be completed in person at Rising Stars Academy on Vine, 2120 Vine Street, at the Early Childhood Education Office (co-located at the Vine Street building). Kindergarten and 1st Grade enrollment can be completed online or in person at the Early Childhood Education Office.

CPS Registration Gateway is

Need help? Please contact Michelle Senger for in-person enrollment and online enrollment support. or (513) 363-6581

To complete the enrollment process online, CPS signed forms are required. Please visit or for these forms and more detailed instructions regarding online enrollment.

Check your boundaries

CANS is a neighborhood school serving the communities of Clifton Heights, University Heights, Fairview, Clifton, and Spring Grove Village. To find out if you live within the Clifton Area Neighborhood School boundaries use CPS’ Interactive Cropper Map System to find and view your School Assignment by School Name and Street Name.

CTM 2018 Officers, Committee Chairpersons & Liaisons

During CTM’s first Board meeting of the year on Jan 8, Trustees elected the following Officers for the 2018 term:

President – Christine Celsor
Vice President 1 – Pat Borders
Vice President 2 – Joyce Rich
Treasurer – Buddy Goose
Secretary – Kevin Marsh

** Vice President 1 & 2 designations are for order of succession only as per bylaws **

The Board then approved the following CTM Standing and Ad-Hoc Committee Chairpersons as well as Liaison to other organizations.

Committee Chairperson(s)
Beautification Adam Balz
Business District Joyce Rich & Gina Marsh
Clifton Chronicle Ashley Fritz
Website / Social Media Eric Urbas
Membership Kevin Marsh
Housing and Zoning Christine Celsor
Nominating Patrick Borders
Clifton Community LLC Christine Celsor & Buddy Goose
Transportation & Public Safety Mike Schur
Parks Rama Kasturi
Education Vince Metzger
Arts & Culture Sean Mullaney
Ad Hoc Committees
Fundraising Brad Hawse
By-Laws Malcolm Montgomery
Support the CCAC Malcolm Montgomery
Liaison Role Primary Backup
Uptown / NOU Joyce Rich Buddy Goose, Rama Kasturi
Invest In Neighborhoods Buddy Goose
TriHealth Brad Hawse Rama Kasturi
Clifton Community Fund Eric Urbas
CPBA Joyce Rich Gina Marsh, Peter Block
Clifton Market Rama Kasturi
UC Health Rama Kasturi
NSP Approval Committee Shaun McCance Buddy Goose / Joyce Rich.

Seeking Candidates for CTM Trustee

We are seeking candidates to run for Trustee positions during the 12/4/2017 meeting of the Clifton Town Meeting (CTM) Board. If you think you might enjoy serving as a Trustee, please email by October 20st.

CTM is Clifton’s neighborhood community council. As such, CTM seeks to understand the interests of Clifton residents and to represent those interests with the City of Cincinnati. In addition, CTM supports a wide range of events and projects that help make Clifton a great place to live, work and play. Examples include: Holidays on Ludlow, the Memorial Day Parade, CliftonFest, the Clifton House Tour, and the restoration of the Probasco Fountain.

As a Trustee, you will share your voice and skills regarding community events, beautification projects, and issues related to education, safety, transportation, business development, and housing and zoning. You will also have the opportunity to collaborate with other organizations such as Uptown Consortium, CCAC, TriHealth, CPBA, Ludlow 21, and Clifton Community Fund.

Trustee Expectations:

  • Serve a 3 year term
  • Attend and participate in monthly CTM meetings
  • Serve on at least one CTM committee
  • Be informed about issues that affect Clifton

If you are interested in becoming a CTM Trustee, please email no later than October 20st.

  • Provide a telephone number if possible. We will email you more information, but would also like to call you to answer any questions you may have.
  • You must have a current CTM Membership at the time of the election. Memberships are available to Clifton residents, Clifton property owners, and operators of businesses in Clifton. For more information about CTM Membership, see
  • Before the election, you must submit a biographical summary of 200 words or less so that voters can learn about you. We will email you examples from past elections.

If you’d like to join our energetic, committed committed group of CTM Trustees, please contact us soon.