Chronicle Minute: CTM Partners with Little Sisters Of The Poor for 2019 Golf Outing

Mark your calendars, the 7th Annual Clifton Town Meeting Golf Outing will be at Avon Fields Golf Course on Saturday, August 24 with shotgun start at 2 p.m. Each year Clifton Town Meeting (CTM) chooses a partner for the golf outing with the partner receiving the majority of proceeds from the event. CTM is proud to announce Golf Outing partner The Little Sisters of the Poor who celebrate their 150th anniversary in Cincinnati this year! To date the outing has raised nearly $50,000 to support good causes in and around Clifton. Similar to last year families are invited afterward for dinner on the deck. Kids 12 and under eat for free! We had a great family turnout last year!

From the left: Sr. Mary Imelda, Sr. Jeanne, Sr. Mary John and Mother Mary Sylvia, Mother Superior.

I had the recent pleasure of meeting with Sister Mary Imelda to talk about The Little Sisters of The Poor and their service to elderly in our community. St. Paul’s Home (476 Riddle Road) is home to about 100 elderly residents 65 and over with health needs and of little means. The Little Sisters live with the residents at St. Paul’s, dedicating their lives to their care. In doing so they provide dignity and ultimately “lead them to their eternity in a peaceful way”. Each day some of the Sisters go out and collect food, supplies and personal care products for the residents in the facility. The in-kind and cash donations the Sisters collect provide substantial support for the care of the residents.

The Sisters recently had a whole facility back-up generator installed, which should come online in a few months. Soon they will need to replace their commercial dishwasher. The funds from the Golf Outing will be used to defray some of the food costs for the residents.

The Little Sisters of The Poor have upcoming events which are open to the public: Mother’s Day Weekend Bake Sale, and a Spaghetti Dinner on June 29.

You can find out more about the Little Sisters of the Poor through their website, or by contacting them at 513-281-8001.

— Eric Urbas

District 5 Site Selection Community Input Opportunity

There will be a public hearing of the Law & Public Safety Committee on Tuesday, April 16th at 6:00pm at City Hall. The public hearing will give you and other citizens the opportunity to share your thoughts on the two headquarter location options, 3300 Central Parkway (Clifton), or 5837 Hamilton Avenue (College Hill). Each person will be given two minutes to address the committee.

  • 3300 Central Parkway: owned by the City, makes use of existing building, shell/foundation, acquisition of adjacent hotel required = Total project cost of $9.7 million, which is within original budget; project completion roughly 18-24 months
  • 5837 Hamilton Avenue: current temporary location for District 5, City would buy property and existing tenant leases; requires additional cost to keep temporary HQ open during construction = Estimated total project cost of $22.45 million, not enough funding under current project scope; project completion roughly 10+ years

The CTM board has voted in support of the Central Parkway (Clifton) and expressed that to the City. Our reasons for supporting the Clifton location are 1) That the Central Parkway location is more centrally located to all of District 5, therefore, it is best positioned to respond ever-changing needs of the entire district and 2) The Central Parkway location can be implemented at a lower capital cost and sooner, thus saving precious taxpayer dollars and getting District 5 into a permanent location sooner.

If you are unable to attend the meeting, please consider contacting the representatives listed below.

RepresentativeTelephone NumberE-mail Address
Mayor John
Vice Mayor Christopher
President Pro Tem Tamaya
Council Member Greg
Council Member David
Council Member Amy
Council Member Jeff
Council Member Chris
Council Member P.G.
Council Member Wendell
City Manager Patrick

Thank you for taking the time make your voice heard on this very important issue!

Plant for Pollinators Challenge

Have you heard the buzz?  CTM is partnering with the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden to promote the Plant for Pollinators Challenge – an effort to register 500 pollinator gardens in the area in 2019!  

pollinator is an animal that causes plants to make fruit or seeds. They do this by moving pollen from one part of the flower of a plant to another part.  You can provide beautiful and vital habitat for pollinators such as bees, birds, and butterflies by planting pollinator-friendly plants in your yard!  

If you already have a pollinator garden, please take the challenge and register with the Zoo before March 31 to help Clifton win the neighborhood challenge sponsored by the City of Cincinnati Office of Environment and Sustainability.  

If you are new to pollinator gardening then come to CTM’s Pollinator Event on Saturday morning, April 6 at the Clifton Recreation Center, 320 McAlpin Avenue, 45220 from 10-11:00 am to hear Mark Plunkett from the Zoo’s horticulture department speak about the Plant for Pollinators Challenge and answer your questions about this great effort for the environment.  The first 50 to attend will receive a free pollinator pocket guide with Zoo – recommended plants to bloom all season long.

Visit the Zoo’s website at to learn more.


Clifton Chronicle: The CTM President’s Message

I believe Clifton continues to be one of the best neighborhoods in the city because of its people. Over many decades our neighbors have worked to protect what is worthy and great, and progress where we can. I feel this dedication toward protection and progress is exemplified by our members, board members and community partners who show up and support our neighborhood though thoughtful ideas, neighborly discussion and plenty of hard work.

Throughout this next year we will be hosting a number of community dialogue sessions both during our regularly scheduled meetings and outside of them, on a wide range of topics. We will be looking for input and we hope you will come to the table to provide your thoughts on a subject that might interest you, or where you may have expertise.

CTM cannot accomplish its goals without a strong and robust membership that supports the community and its council. For those who are already members, thank you and we hope to see you soon! For those who would like to support all of the wonderful community events and priorities that are funded or hosted each year by CTM, please consider becoming a member and a community partner with us!

I also recognize that most projects and activities CTM takes on require the support and cooperation of other organizations, such as the City of Cincinnati, the Clifton Business and Professional Association, the Uptown Consortium, our local elementary schools, the Clifton Cultural Arts Center, CliftonFest, the Clifton Recreation Center, the Clifton Community Fund, our neighborhood businesses and all of our funding partners. We thank all of our partners and will strive to deepen these relationships so that, through our joint efforts, we continuously improve our impact on the Clifton community.

I am proud to serve as the president of Clifton Town Meeting for 2019 and look forward to working with our board to contribute positively to the community and tackle many priorities for the organization. If you are interested in becoming a member of Clifton Town Meeting, or donating time, talent or treasure to support our cause, please contact us.

I also want to thank Christine Celsor for her work over the past year as President of CTM, she led us through a successful year and the community should be proud and thankful for the work that Christine has and continues to accomplish!

We are all in this together and with thoughtful ideas, neighborly discussion and plenty of work, I look forward to seeing what we will accomplish for Clifton.

With Appreciation,

Brad Hawse, President CTM