COVID-19 Research Survey

Do you want to help UC and Children’s Hospital improve the information and resources they provide on COVID-19? Take this survey!

A Community-Based Approach to Understanding and Improving Adherence to CDC COVID-19 Guidelines:


This survey is being conducted by the University of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital to provide better information and resources to the general public about COVID-19 and personal safety. The results of this survey will be shared with researchers, healthcare professionals, and public decision-makers to help them better understand the public’s perspective regarding COVID-19. It will also be used to help develop factual and useful public health messages about the virus. Your participation is entirely voluntary, and your answers are anonymous.  At the end of this survey, if you would like to receive a bandana or mask as a thank you, you will be asked for your address.  If you are interested in receiving more information about COVID-19, we will also ask you to provide an email address.

The project, CCTST C5G: A Community-Based Approach to Understanding and Improving Adherence to CDC COVID-19 Guidelines, is headed by co-investigators Jack Kues, Ph.D., and Melinda Butsch-Kovacic, Ph.D., and is funded by the Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training at the University of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Medical Center.   A brief summary of the project:

  • Mask-wearing and social distancing are at rates less than 50% despite wide-spread requests and calls by community leaders and public health officials. It is imperative to better understand behavior and underlying motivation in order to design meaningful messaging in this area. 
  • We are conducting a broad-based community survey to better understand current behavior and motivation.  
  • The results of our study will serve as a foundation for developing new messaging and to help overcome current barriers to increasing mask-wearing and social distancing behavior that does not overtly challenge underlying beliefs or fears 

Appreciation Celebration for Lydia Stec, August 25, 6:00-7:30pm

If you’ve been feeling blue when you walk past Lydia’s vacant cafe, you’ll be cheered to know that she’s coming to visit us in Clifton Plaza!

CTM and CBA are hosting an appreciation celebration on Tuesday, August 25, 6-7:30 pm.

Pianist and composer Daven Roberson will be on hand, providing fine music.

Please join us, wear your mask, and practice your safest social distancing for this event.
Note: In case of rain, we’ll reschedule.

Clifton USPS Branch Hours Reduction

The Federal Government is reducing hours and cutting other resources for more than a dozen Post Offices in the Cincinnati area. CTM, the Clifton Business Association, and the Clifton Community Fund co-signed this letter (see image below) to our US Congressional delegation objecting to these cuts.

Write your own letter using these links:

This is a developing situation. During the past week, the US House of Representatives is taking action. Additionally, Postmaster General DeJoy has advised he will pause any further action until after the election. On Aug 19 afternoon, Speaker Pelosi of the US House of Reps advised the following:

Letter to Congressional delegation

CTM – August Agenda

CTM’s next monthly meeting is August 3, 2020 beginning at 7:00. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency and government orders prohibiting gatherings of 10 or more, the meeting will be held via Google Meet videoconferencing. The link to join the meeting is: You may also join via phone by dialing (470) 402-0181 and using PIN 866 402 270 #. The agenda is as follows:

7:00 / 1 min    Welcome to the Google Meet electronic meeting, advice for participation

7:01 / 1 min    Approve prior month’s meeting minutes

7:02 / 5 min    Treasurer’s Report

7:07 / 15 min  Burnet Woods Post Office hours reduction (M – F 9am – 1 pm) beginning August 22. (Current hours are M-F 8:30am – 1pm, 2 – 4 pm). Discussion and motion to communicate CTM’s position on this change.

7:22 / 15 min Public Safety / On Ludlow Avenue re: dangers at Plaza, Diggs Plaza and Telford. Relationship to homeless camps in Burnet Woods. Engagement with police and businesses. Litter and graffiti management is a job for everyone

7:37 / 5 min    Arts and Culture Committee / Ludlow Garage mural update; Grant from OAC; Recognition of CCF’s gift of the Shakespeare bench. Motion of appreciation to all Telford area refresh volunteers.

7:42 / 20 min Housing and Zoning / motion to adopt goals and objective; report and motion on signs replacement in business district; report and motion on neighborhood boundaries

8:02 / 5 min    Governance Committee / motion for charge to the committee

8:07 / 10 min NBDIP update / CTM’s application for gateway elements – how to improve this proposal? Add something that is traffic calming to remedy the speeding up Ludlow Avenue, especially the danger at Whitfield (speed bumps, narrowing lanes with boulevard hardscape, landscaping?)

8:17 / 10 min KCB Clean and Safe Grant/ Aug 7 deadline, up to $10K grants

8:27 / 18 min Trustee, Committee, Liaisons Announcements

8:45 / 15 min Community Questions/Concerns

9:00                Adjournment

July Meeting Agenda

CTM’s July General Membership meeting will take place virtually at 7pm on Monday, July 6. Stay tuned for log in details. Here is the agenda:

7:00 / 1 min Welcome to the Zoom electronic meeting, advice for participation (Brunner/Trustees)
7:01 / 1 min Approve prior month’s meeting minutes (Brunner/Trustees)
7:02 / 10 min Open seat on CTM Board: introduction of nominees, election of new Board member
Candidates: Bob Driehaus, Chris Harding and Teresa Hoelle
(Brunner/Kasturi Trustees)
7:12 m/ 5 min Treasurer’s Report (G. Checco Trustees/Community)
7:17 / 15 min Clifton House Tour planning (Borders Trustees/Community)
7:32 / 10 min Spring Cleanup Blitz, Food Court, Telford Refresh (G. Checco Trustees/Community)
7:42 / 5 min Arts and Culture Committee: Ludlow Garage mural installation, Off Ludlow Gallery (S. Mullaney Trustees/Community)
7:49 / 10 min Nominating Committee Update (Kasturi Trustees/Community)
7:59 / 5 min Clifton Library Update (L. Hamrick Trustees/Community)
8:04 / 10 min Equitable Development Rubric/Peaslee Neighborhood Center’s Joelle Newman; Action Tank Toolkit
(Paraskevopoulos Trustees/Community)
8:14 / 10 min Housing and Zoning: community boundaries (Montgomery Trustees/Community)
8:24 / 25 min Traffic and Public Safety: Ludlow Avenue Road Diet – ODOT report & next steps (Jeffreys Trustees/Community)
8:49 / 6 min Trustee, Committee, Liaisons Announcements (Brunner Trustees/Community)
8:55/ 5 min Community Questions/Concerns (Brunner Community/Trustees)
9:00 Adjournment (Brunner Trustees/Community)