Ludlow Business District Parking Restrictions Removal

CTM is pleased to announce that the City of Cincinnati’s Department of Traffic and Engineering (DOTE) has made rush hour parking permanent along the business district on Ludlow Avenue.  This announcement was the result of a three-month pilot requested by CTM.  That pilot demonstrated a 25% reduction in traffic accidents and a 3x decrease in serious injuries.  During the pandemic, it has also enabled parking to be used by patrons of businesses.  Thanks to the CTM Transportation & Public Safety Committee and DOTE for working this issue.

Click here to read about the launching of the trial.

Click here to read about when CTM asked for feedback about the trial.

2020 Membership Drive

Clifton Town Meeting (CTM) is your local community council.  CTM advocates on behalf of the Clifton community, and your membership entitles you to vote on issues that directly affect our neighborhood.  This is particularly important in this time of Shelter in Place and the impact it is having on our community.

Some issues that CTM has recently promoted include:

  • Funding $2,000 for Clifton Cares – an initiative to support local restaurants and health care workers impacted by the Shelter in Place order – membership dollars go directly to this.
  • Establishment of a new neighborhood school (Clifton Area Neighborhood School)
  • Establishment of pilot “Parklet” on Ludlow Avenue during nice weather
  • Trialing removal of parking restrictions on Ludlow Avenue to reduce vehicle speeds for safety improvement
  • Opening of an art gallery, Off Ludlow Gallery, in the former USPS location on Ormond Avenue
  • Replacing worn out benches in the business district.
  • Installing a traffic signal and crosswalk on Brookline and Ludlow (at the new library and Burnet Woods entrance)

CTM also sponsors a variety of activities and festivals throughout the year to enrich our community experience. These include the annual Memorial Day Parade & Cookout, Lantern Walk, CliftonFest, Holidays on Ludlow, and our ever popular triennial house tour. Rest assured that when the COVID-19 crisis ends, we will resume our practice of creating opportunities to celebrate our community and socialize in person. We also fund beautification projects such as the flower pots & holiday decorations on Ludlow Avenue; provide communications including the community email list, Clifton Community website and the Clifton Chronicle; and partner with the Clifton Business Association (CBA) to operate the Clifton Plaza.

To provide this important community work, we need your generous support. Membership dues and contributions are tax-deductible and make up the second largest source of income for Clifton Town Meeting (the triennial House Tour is our main fundraiser). Starting or renewing your membership will help us keep Clifton a vibrant, desirable, and fun place to live, work, and play. Memberships received now are good through December 31, 2020.  

Click here to submit your application online. If you prefer to mail in your application, you may use this Membership Form. (Eligibility is open to all neighborhood residents, neighborhood property owners, and operators of neighborhood businesses, age 18 years or older). Please join us for our monthly CTM Board meetings held the first Monday of the month, 7 – 9 pm, now streaming live.  

Thank you for your support!

CTM Membership Committee

Find CTM in social media on Facebook and Twitter

Seeking Candidates for CTM Trustee

We are seeking candidates to run for Trustee positions during the 12/7/2020 meeting of the Clifton Town Meeting (CTM) Board.  If you think you might enjoy serving as a Trustee, please email by October 24th.

CTM is Clifton’s neighborhood community council.  As such, CTM seeks to understand the interests of ALL Clifton residents and to represent those interests with the City of Cincinnati.  We are especially interested in ensuring that the Board reflects the true diversity of our community, especially as it pertains to women and minorities.

In addition, CTM supports a wide range of events and projects that help make Clifton a great place to live, work and play. Examples include: Holidays on Ludlow, the Memorial Day Parade, CliftonFest, the Clifton House Tour, and the restoration of the Probasco Fountain.

As a Trustee, you will share your voice and skills regarding community events, beautification projects, and issues related to education, safety, transportation, business development, and housing and zoning. You will also have the opportunity to collaborate with other organizations such as Uptown Consortium, CCAC, TriHealth, CPBA, and Clifton Community Fund.

Trustee Expectations:

  • Serve a 3-year term
  • Attend and participate in monthly CTM meetings
  • Serve on at least one CTM committee
  • Be informed about issues that affect Clifton

If you are interested in becoming a CTM Trustee, please email no later than October 24th. Provide a telephone number if possible.  We will email you more information but would also like to call you to answer any questions you may have.

You must have a current CTM Membership at the time of the election.  Memberships are available to Clifton residents, Clifton property owners, and operators of businesses in Clifton.  For more information about CTM Membership, see   

Before the election, you must submit a biographical summary of 200-400 words so that voters can learn more about you.  We will email you examples from past elections.

Please submit your bio by 10/31/2020 so that we can include it in the next Clifton Chronicle newsletter.

If you’d like to join our energetic, committed group of CTM Trustees, please contact us soon.

September CTM Meeting TONIGHT at 7pm

All are welcome to join the September CTM meeting TONIGHT at 7pm. To comply with social distancing guidelines, we will meet remotely. Here is the link to join:

7:00 / 1 min Welcome to the Google Meet electronic meeting, advice for participation
7:01 / 1 min Approve prior month’s meeting minutes
7:02 / 15 min Police report Capt. Gregoire and ad hoc Community Safety group’s notes from 9/9/20 7:17 / 10 min Treasurer’s Report/ Ormond crossing, Need for Fundraising (estate planning, membership drive), Projections and Austerity Plan 2021-22
7:27 / 30 min CCAC Presentation
7:57/ 5 min Arts and Culture Committee
8:02 / 10 min Clifton Chronicle Guidelines report
8:12 / 10 min NSP application: Suggestions for 2021 (Plaza security, cameras, sound system, classical music…) KCB Grant Application update (re: Plaza Lights expansion)

8:22 / 5 min CBA Quality of Businesses Signage Discussion revisited, Plaza Rules Signage, Permission and Scheduling of performances by professional musicians

8:27 /15 min Transportation and Safety: Ludlow Avenue community engagement, Temporary Bike Lane; General public safety; Woolper/Clifton/McAlpin intersection
8:42 /5 min Clifton Branch Library News
8: 47 / 6 min Trustee, Committee, Liaisons Announcements
8:53 / 7 min Community Questions/Concerns
9:00 Adjournment