Dunore Park – Community Engagement on dog park proposal

As you may be aware, a group of area residents have approached the Cincinnati Park Board with a proposal to build a dog park (a fenced area for off-leash dogs), for Dunore Park, the park along Ludlow Avenue just west of Morrison Avenue. A dog park would physically fit on the site without interfering with the small playground. As a next step in assessing the proposal, the Park Board is seeking feedback from park users and stakeholders through a brief survey

Click here to take the survey.

Please take a moment to fill out the survey and feel to share with other individuals or groups you are involved with who may have an interest. The survey will remain open until March 31st.

CTM has taken no position on this proposal. We are sharing to ensure broad community engagement happens.

Clifton Neighborhood Plan

Our neighborhood has begun the process with the City of Cincinnati Department of Planning to create a neighborhood plan. A neighborhood plan is best described as a map of the neighborhood’s future. Acting as a guide, our neighborhood plan will tell current and future community members and decision makers where we were, where we are now, where we want to go, how we intend to get there, and who will help us along the way.

More specifically, the plan:

  • Allows for a platform for dialogue and engagement
  • Creates and confirms neighborhood identity, goals and vision
  • Helps guide policy decisions that impact the neighborhood
  • Helps guide development and investment decisions
  • Used as a tool for community investment projects
  • Demonstrates to City leaders that the neighborhood is united

Below are some frequently asked questions as well as links on how to get involved in the process.

What is in a neighborhood plan?

Each neighborhood’s plan is different – designed to meet the goals of that individual
neighborhood. However, there are certain elements that are commonly addressed. Typically, a neighborhood plan will contain the following components:

  • History of the neighborhood
  • Existing Conditions (past and current demographic and geographic information)
  • Vision statement
  • Goals and objectives (on various focus areas, such as: housing, economic Development/Business Retention, transportation, parks and recreation, public facilities and open space, land use, and health and the environment)
  • Implementation plans

Doesn’t Clifton have a few plans? Why do we need another one?

The last plans specific to Clifton are the Clifton Community Plan (1982) and the
Clifton Neighborhood Business District Urban Design Plan (1978). We need a plan
because a neighborhood plan is usually only relevant for 5-15 years, and our last plan
was from 38 years ago. We need to create a neighborhood-wide plan that showcases
our neighborhood’s vision, goals, and strategies. This plan will ultimately be reviewed
and approved by the City Planning Commission and City Council and recognized
as our official neighborhood plan. You can find copies of past plans (including the Clifton plans) on the City Planning website by clicking here.

Who participates in a neighborhood plan?

Everyone who is interested is invited to participate in the planning process. This includes residents (homeowners and renters), business owners, representatives of community institutions (like churches or schools), organizations in the neighborhood, etc.

How can I sign up for updates, get involved, or share my ideas?

There are many ways for you to get involved, no matter how much or how little time you may have! If you are interested in getting involved, click here to email Joe Brunner, President of Clifton Town Meeting.

Some examples of how to get involved are as follows:

As a Steering Committee Member
The Steering Committee’s main job is to champion the plan and provide guidance from beginning to approval. Steering Committee members will also help lead the working groups. The Steering Committee meets once a month.

As a Working Group Member
Working group members will help provide shape and detail to specific areas of the plan. They will write the goals and strategies for each of the focus areas. Working Groups will meet six to seven times throughout the year.

As a Plan Participant
Participate in plan events, provide feedback on surveys, send your thoughts via email, and follow along during the process. There is no minimum time commitment and you can participate when you are free and interested! Sign up for CTM emails by clicking here to receive future info on this topic and other topics including events and CTM meetings.

Contact James Weaver, City Planner by email or by phone at 513-352-4882 or email Joe Brunner, CTM President or visit the City’s website page by clicking here.

Ludlow Avenue Safety Improvement

CTM’s Transportation and Public Safety Committee has been working to make Ludlow Avenue safer for all users of this road (vehicle drivers, bicyclists, pedestrians). This website post provides all the details of what has been happening as well as including a Call for Feedback opportunity for everyone in Clifton to act upon. We urge you to review everything below, and the Call for Feedback is near the end.


  1. July 2018 – City of Cincinnati Department of Transportation and Engineering (DOTE) requests CTM to submit priority locations for pedestrian safety improvements.
  2. Sep 2018 – CTM submits three locations to City of Cincinnati in response to the July 2018 request: Ludlow Avenue at Morrison Avenue/Place, Ludlow Avenue at Clifton Hills Avenue, and Ludlow Avenue at Ormond Avenue.  Location selection was based on the results of a City of Cincinnati Pedestrian Safety Survey, persistent problem areas received by CTM, and areas without recent improvement activity by the city.
  3. May 2019 – City of Cincinnati releases list of 2019 Pedestrian Safety Program Projects. The Ludlow at Clifton Hills is the only location selected for project funding. A radar sign is selected as the solution.
  4. June 2019 – DOTE Pedestrian Safety Manager (M. McVay) informs CTM that the Clifton Hills location scored above the “finding line” and the request for the Morrison location scored just below. However, the City’s Pedestrian Safety team had significant concerns about striping crosswalks at those two locations, given the volume and speed of traffic and the considerable distance a pedestrian would cross (i.e. four lanes of traffic with no refuge island). The Pedestrian Safety team proposes a safety study (conducted and funded by the Ohio Department of Transportation – ODOT) to identify changes to Ludlow Avenue that would have a positive impact on speeding and pedestrian safety.
  5. July 2019 – CTM Board votes to request safety study of Ludlow Avenue
  6. Oct 2019 – City DOTE advises CTM that ODOT has approved and agreed to do a Safety Study of Ludlow Ave.
  7. April 2020 – Announcement at April CTM monthly meeting that a Ludlow Ave safety study is underway by ODOT from Central Parkway to Whitfield Ave.  
  8. June 2020 – Announcement at June CTM monthly meeting that the report from ODOT is forthcoming.
  9. July 2020 – CTM Board reviews the ODOT report at July CTM monthly meeting and agrees to the objectives of the project. Click here to see the entire ODOT report. The ODOT report includes a separate appendix file which you read by clicking here.
  10. Oct 2020 – City DOTE presents six high-level design options, as well as their various preferred and rejected options for Ludlow Ave at the October CTM monthly meeting and next steps are outlined.  Three designs that met community goals were selected for development of detailed plans and community feedback.

October Initial Presentation by City DOTE

Below is the presentation that City DOTE presented at the October 5, 2020 CTM meeting showing preferred and rejection options. Please note that these options are high level conceptual and not detailed designs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the goals of this effort?

The goals were reviewed and approved by the CTM Board in July 2020. They are as follows:

  1. Make Ludlow Avenue safer and more convenient for pedestrians to cross, with priority locations at:
    • Ludlow at Morrison Avenue/Morrison Place
    • Ludlow at Clifton Hills Ave
  2. Calm vehicular traffic on Ludlow Ave to support Goal #1, and to
    • Calm traffic entering the business district
      • Slow vehicles to 25 MPH
      • Incorporate street features to prepare and welcome approaching traffic
    • Address crashes in area of Ludlow Avenue and Whitfield Avenue
    • Facilitate left turns from Ludlow Avenue to streets and driveways
    • Reduce lane changing, weaving, and passing of vehicles
  3. Extend bike lanes on Ludlow Avenue to connect neighborhood, business district, and Burnet Woods to
    • Central Parkway bike lanes
    • Mill Creek Greenway Trail
    • CROWN and Wasson Way
  4. Maintain safe and efficient access to and movement of busses and public transportation
    • METRO buses
    • School buses
    • Private shuttles (i.e., UC, CCHMC)
  5. Maintain adequate on-street parking for residents and visitors

Why is this project happening?

To make Ludlow Avenue safer by easing traffic flow and making it more convenient and safer to cross Ludlow Avenue.  The background is this: In 2018, the Clifton community through Clifton Town Meeting (CTM) had requested crosswalks be put in at Morrison Avenue and Clifton Hills Avenue at Ludlow.  The City’s Department of Engineering & Transportation (DOTE) indicated that the traffic flow was such that there needed to be a study.  The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) fielded a traffic study from the Viaduct to Whitfield Avenue and determined that a “road diet” and several safety improvements with crosswalks would reduce accidents by 38%.  

What will change with parking?  

There is no option under consideration where parking is eliminated completely on both sides of the street.  Having “adequate parking” was a criterion of determining which option on which to move forward.  However, the options laid out by DOTE have different implications for parking – some keep parking on both sides and some have it only on one side of the street.  If an option with parking on one side of the street is a preferred option, then DOTE – with heavy engagement by CTM – will conduct a study of parking to determine where parking is being utilized to determine the best configuration. 

Will my driveway be blocked with a median? 

No, at this time there are no plans to block access to any driveway with a median. The ODOT report recommended a center turn lane and DOTE in their options has laid out that there could be a raised median at different parts of the road.  The options under consideration do NOT include any approval or disapproval of a median.  Instead, a decision on the length of a median, its placement, etc would be made at a future date with considerable input from residents along Ludlow Avenue. 

How is the project funded? If I live on Ludlow Avenue will I have to pay for this?

This project will be submitted for funding to the Ohio Department of Transportation in April 2021.  Residents of Clifton (or on Ludlow Avenue) will NOT have to directly pay for it. 

When would construction begin?

Construction would be expected to begin during the Summer of 2022 and finish the same year.

How will the bike lanes be configured?

The different options also include different configurations of bike lanes ranging from a bike lane by the curb with a buffer of parked cars to a bike lane next to traffic and parked cars to a two-way fully protected bike lane on one side of the street.  Depending on which option is chosen, DOTE will then do more detailed by-block drawings.  They have been clear that none of the options would block driveways or bus stops.  

What new crosswalks will be added on this project?  

Pedestrian crosswalk locations are being proposed at the intersections of Ludlow at Clifton Hills Ave. and Ludlow at Morrison Ave./Morrison Place with Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs).

What is a rectangular rapid flashing beacon? 

Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) are used to supplement warning signs at uncontrolled intersections or mid-block crosswalks. They feature flashing, high-intensity LEDs that alert motorists that pedestrians are using the crosswalk. Studies have shown that RRFBs significantly increase driver yielding behavior.  RRFBs are placed on both sides of a crosswalk below a pedestrian crossing sign and above an arrow sign that points at the crossing. Pedestrians manually activate RRFBs with a push-button. An example of this can be found at the intersection of Central Parkway at Clifton Hills Avenue.

Call for Feedback

City DOTE has agreed to collect all the feedback on this project. They have created a website link for our neighborhood to use. Please click here to give your feedback.

Next Steps

  • Provide feedback now through December 3.
  • CTM Transportation Committee presents recommendation on a path forward on the options to the CTM Board of Trustees. Trustees will endeavor to decide on proceeding with the Ludlow Road Diet and also direction on which option to proceed with in order to enable DOTE to move forward. You can attend this virtual meeting. Watch for the announcement via email to subscribers with the details on how to join online. It will also be posted on Facebook, NextDoor, and on this website as a separate posting.
  • During the winter, City DOTE will prepare a project for submission to ODOT in April 2021 to gain approved funding through ODOT’s Safety Improvement program. CTM Transportation Committee will engage with DOTE on issues around details of design drawings, studies on parking implications, medians, etc. and will engage with the community as they become available.
  • Assuming approval for funding is achieved, construction and installation would start during the Summer of 2022.

Bios for CTM Trustee Candidates – 2020

The objective of CTM is to build a Board of Trustees that represents the diversity of Clifton including ethnic, racial, gender, sexual orientation, religious, profession (salaried/hourly), community of origin (lifelong Cliftonites/new to Cincinnati and/or Clifton), etc. so we ensure our decisions are informed by diverse perspectives. We thank our current slate of nominees for stepping up to serve their community and we hope that more of you will consider joining the board in the future.

Below are the bios for candidates running for CTM Trustee at the upcoming elections on Monday, December 7 from 6:00 – 7:00pm. Elections will be held at the parking lot of the Fairview-Clifton German Language School in a drive through style due to COVID-19. You will not need to leave your vehicle to vote. We welcome walk up voters as well. Please wear a mask so that you can protect the volunteers working the elections event.

Additionally, this year, we are offering the opportunity to vote from home using a confidential online election tool that we have tested. This opportunity will only be available to any member who has an active membership that includes an email as of Friday, December 4 at 5:00 pm. All who qualify by this deadline will get an email providing them a one time use link to vote. Anyone who renews after 5:00 pm on December 4 will be eligible to vote at the December 7 elections as noted above.

For members opting to vote at the drive-through election, you must be present to vote (proxy votes are not permitted). It takes only a few minutes. You can pay your membership current by clicking here prior to voting in advance or at the night of elections.

There are 5 three-year term and 1 two-year term positions to be filled by the six candidates receiving the most votes.

Teckla G. Akinyi

My relationship with Clifton starts during my college years; matinees at the Esquire, trivia nights at Olive’s, wine tastings on Friday’s at Mike and late nights at Arlin’s followed by passionate 3AM conversations at Skyline or J Gumbo’s. Having moved to the alone USA in my late teenage years, Clifton stood out to me because of the welcoming, diverse community that somehow manages to keep UC students in their 20s through to established late career adults and even retirees all engaged. After spending 2 years as a young professional, I spent some time travelling the world with two short stints living in Montreal, Canada and Philadelphia and these choices really highlighted the uniqueness of the Clifton community to me and I moved right back in the summer of 2020 to build on the home I have found here.

Beyond my college years, Clifton has allowed me a rich quality of life through activities that have kept me engaged as my life changes from exploratory college life to young professional and I trust through to when I seek family life by providing safe, walkable and aesthetically pleasing outdoor areas, keeping diverse businesses open and all the community events at Burnet woods or the plaza.

Beyond living in the neighborhood and patronizing the vibrant businesses (regular at Esquire), I had a small stint at World Peace Yoga after completing the training program where I helped with some of the community classes on Saturday. This engagement solidified my interest in the community as I interacted with long term and transitional Cliftonites and learnt more about Clifton’s values and motivations.

I work as a data programmer/analyst and seek to utilize my technical skills within committees that may find such useful within CTM. Further, I seek involvement in the CTM with the hopes of preserving the diverse and vibrant community nature of Clifton, which allowed this transplant from Nowhere, Kenya to find and build a home.

Brendon Cull

My name is Brendon Cull and since 2012, my wife Becky and I (and now our two children) have lived on Warren Avenue. Clifton is a place that seemingly everyone in our City has a connection to, and this is an important asset for our neighborhood. We have stunning parks, great schools, a bustling business district, and we’re a destination for families looking for a welcoming neighborhood to call home. I’m proud to live here and I’m committed to ensuring our neighborhood is a place that is known for safe streets, vibrant parks and arts, sustainable development, and inclusive values.

I moved to Cincinnati 25 years ago to attend Xavier, majoring in Organizational Communication with a Peace Studies minor. My first job was working for Amnesty International, and at nineteen, new to the city, I organized events in Burnet Woods and at the Esquire Theatre. I knew then this neighborhood was welcoming, diverse, and important to our City’s culture.

After graduation, I worked for the renowned diversity and inclusion firm, Global Lead Management Consulting. But a love for policy and politics led to a career change: in 2000, I started working for the Mayor of Cincinnati, where I served in various capacities over five years during a tumultuous yet critical time in our city’s history. As a city hall staffer, I attended Clifton Town Meetings, and was proud of the work we did to support our City’s 52 neighborhoods and to improve police-community relations. After public service, I led government affairs at Kroger for a decade, focusing on collaborative policy development, sustainability, and local engagement.

I’m currently the SVP and COO at the Cincinnati Chamber. My proudest accomplishment is developing the Chamber’s transportation initiatives strategy, that resulted in the successful ballot initiative supporting funding for Cincinnati Metro, roads, and bridges. A close second was the privilege of leading production and fundraising teams that delivered BLINK to our community.

I’m on the SORTA Board and I’m the Vice-President of the Mercantile Library’s Board. I’ve worked with dozens of organizations in volunteer roles, including the United Way, ArtsWave, Crown Cincinnati, and Tender Mercies. In my free time, I enjoy reading, running, biking (we need safer streets!), and listening to live music. I look forward to working with neighbors, trustees, and anyone who is passionate about Clifton. I respectfully ask for your vote as CTM Trustee.

Christopher Harding

My name is Christopher Harding, and I am running to serve on Clifton Town Meeting. I am currently an appointed member of the Board, serving out the rest of a vacated term left open in July. I am originally from Portland, Oregon, and moved to Cincinnati to attend Xavier University. I have since decided to lay my roots in Ohio. My background is in political consulting, advocacy, and public policy. I am currently wrapping up a campaign this November, serving as the Deputy Campaign Manager for County Commissioner Denise Driehaus. Before that, I worked on the Issue 7 transit levy, which passed last Spring, and I have done work for the Hamilton County Democratic Party. Outside of local politics, I am also serving as Public Policy Director for the Ohio Chapter of the League of United Latin American Citizens, the oldest and largest Latino/Hispanic civil rights organization in the country. I have also spent time in Washington D.C. as a Policy Associate for the National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders. Considering my background, experience, and network, I know that I can serve our neighborhood well.

I am incredibly passionate about public service, which is why I decided to apply for the vacancy. When I joined the Board in the Summer, CTM debated public safety issues in our business district and parks. Since then, a handful of Trustees and I have taken it upon ourselves to find solutions by creating an ad hoc committee. Through our work, we have pulled together a coalition of stakeholders, such as the Stewards of Burnett Woods, Cincinnati Police District 5, the Clifton Business Association, and most recently Strategies to End Homelessness. The committees’ work has all been part of a more considerable effort to find solutions to homelessness, crime, and other public safety issues in our neighborhood. If elected to the Board, I will continue to pursue equitable solutions to problems that pop up and be a fierce advocate for our community. I hope that I can earn your support!

Teresa Hoelle

Hello, neighbors. My name is Teresa Hoelle, and I’d like to continue serving you as your CTM Trustee.

I live on Clifton Ridge Drive with my husband and our two-year old daughter. Our home is my third residence in Clifton. Outside of a three-year stint living in Charlotte, NC where I earned my master’s in business administration, I have called Clifton home for the past 15 years. I first moved to Clifton in 2005, living at the end of Telford Street. I had just returned to the US after living and working in Germany, and I found renting in Clifton incredibly attractive because of the cultural diversity, Ludlow business district and proximity to UC.

I co-own a business, Ignite Philanthropy, with my husband where we manage community grantmaking for over a dozen family and corporate foundations and raise charitable dollars for key community initiatives and institutions, including Freestore Foodbank and Clifton Cultural Arts Center. I previously was an executive at United Way and ArtWorks, and have served on several boards, including Findlay Market, Friends of CCM, and MORTAR. I currently serve on an ad-hoc committee at Annunciation Parish.

I want to help to preserve and celebrate what makes Clifton unique, while advancing future adaptations and growth to ensure our community thrives for decades to come. I know this requires advocating for our residents and local businesses. I have the perspective of being both a Clifton renter and homeowner, as well as that of a business-owner. I also believe my experience of bringing community leaders and capital together to fuel community solutions in both the cultural and human services sector can be of great value to the neighborhood I love and call home.

I was voted onto the board by my fellow trustees in July 2020 to fill a vacancy. Of the trustees who will remain on the board, I represent only one of three incumbent women of the fifteen trustee positions. I would appreciate your vote so I may continue to serve and provide my diverse perspective as an experienced business-owner, former non-profit executive, woman, and mother in all decisions related to our Clifton neighborhood. Thank you.

Naghma Malik

My name is Dr. Naghma Malik and I have resided in Clifton for 11 years. My husband Dr. Geoff Calvert has been a Clifton resident for 26 years. We have always been actively involved in Clifton. For example, I regularly contribute to neighbor get-togethers by planning and sometimes hosting block and holiday parties and opening up our house for the 2018 Mothers Day Clifton House Tour.

I have a passion for promoting diversity. In 2017, this passion led me to organize an Asian Physicians Convention in Cincinnati that attracted approximately 300 attendees from across the country. I was most pleased that it showcased the colorful and rich Mughal-era culture of the Pakistani-Indian subcontinent, while also providing continuing medical education (CME) opportunities for licensed physicians, and generating tax revenue for the city and county

For the 11 years I’ve resided in Clifton, my heart has been filled by the warmth of the welcoming and embracing openness of the people in our community. This has led to many long-lasting friendships. Although this year has been especially challenging due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our Clifton community appears to be meeting that challenge by coming together.

To show my gratitude for the neighborliness I’ve experienced, I would like to serve as a CTM Trustee. I welcome the opportunity to use my organizing and networking skills to continue to preserve what is great about Clifton. I want to promote our community’s multicultural existence, and to continue to promote its strength and perseverance. I envision Clifton to be a beacon of diversity, inclusion and harmony.

I humbly request your vote to enable me to serve our wonderful community. Thank you for your consideration.

Genet Singh

I am an immigrant who emigrated from Addis Ababa Ethiopia to the United states in 1990 and settled in Cincinnati, and I am proud to be connected to the city. its rich history and community. I attended the University of Cincinnati to study pharmacy. While at University I met my husband of 25 years and later decided to stay at home and raise our three kids. Clifton was one of the first neighborhoods I visited upon arriving in Cincinnati, and I immediately fell in love with it. Having children who attended primary school in Clifton and being a business and home owner in Clifton has only deepened this love for the Clifton community.

I have owned various retail and wholesale businesses in Clifton, the greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky area over the last twenty years. I hope to use the insights I have gained as a business owner to help the Clifton business district community. I believe that the success of the businesses on Ludlow Avenue are Important for the health of the Clifton community as a whole. I welcome this opportunity to give back to the community that has welcomed and served me and my family well.