CTM Meeting & Link – April 17

CTM will hold a special meeting on Saturday, April 17th at 2:00pm in order to take a vote on the Clifton Mosque’s application for a zoning variance to construct a driveway onto Woolper Avenue. This issue was previously discussed during CTM’s regular April meeting on April 5th.

Documents were shared to email subscribers on April 7 – Click here to see the documents

This meeting was noticed to email subscribers on April 15 – Click here for those details

Due to the ongoing public health ban on mass gatherings CTM will continue to hold its meetings via video and telephone conference.

To join the videoconference click on the following link – http://meet.google.com/srv-uuvn-kfd . To join via phone, dial (515) 884-8126 and use the following PIN – 746 522 350#.

Cincinnati Stimulus Funding Survey

We are urging all our residents and business owners to participate in a survey prepared by City Councilmember David Mann’s office so that you can provide your input on Cincinnati Stimulus Funding. $291 million dollars is coming to our City. City Council will decide how these dollars are spent during May and June this year.

Click here to go to the survey.

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (“ARP”) was signed by President Joe Biden on March 11, 2021. This program will provide significant stimulus and recovery funding to local governments throughout the United States. Cincinnati is receiving about $291 million which will come in two equal parts.  The first half is expected early in May and the second half a year later.  All funds are required to be spent by the end of 2024.

Detailed guidance for use of this money has not yet been released by the federal government though general parameters are known.

This infusion of funds represents a historic opportunity for our City.  

CTM Meeting Agenda and Link – April 5th

Clifton Town Meeting, your community council, is having its regular monthly meeting on Monday, April 5th from 7-9pm. All our meetings are on the community calendar. We hope you will join to learn about what is happening and how you can be involved.

Click here for the meeting invite and agenda that went to email subscribers. You can become a subscriber here.

Due to the ongoing public health ban on mass gatherings, CTM will continue to hold its meetings via video and telephone conference. To join the videoconference click on the following link – https://meet.google.com/rry-agnd-bbf. To join via phone, dial (470) 722-0310 and use the following PIN – 572 595 448#.

The agenda is as follows:

7:00 / 1 minWelcome to the Google Meet electronic meeting, advice for participation
7:01 / 1 minApprove prior month’s meeting minutes
7:02 / 10 minVote for a new trustee replacing
7:12 / 5 minLibrary Update
7:17 / 10 minPolice District 5 Report
7:27 / 10 min
7:37 / 10 min
Councilperson Betsy Sunderman visits
Councilperson David Mann visits
7:47 / 5 minFinancial Committee Report
7:52 / 5 minTreasurer’s Report
7:57 / 4 minArts and Culture Committee
8:01 / 10 minClifton Chronicle Committee update, Editor/Publisher Search, Call for Content Creation
8:11 / 10 minCaretaking and Beautification – Spring Cleanup Plan and Invitation to Volunteers
8:21 / 15 minParks Committee Update and Potential Vote on Dunore Dog Park
8:36 / 10 minHousing and Zoning Committee report
8:46 / 10 minTransportation and Public Safety report
8:56 / 4 minTrustee, Committee and Liaisons Announcements

Emailing your issue to contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org is another effective way to have your issue or opinion considered by your trustees.  To request an agenda item for the next meeting please email your topic to contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org.

Please note that public input on agenda items of pressing community concern will be heard after trustee discussion.  Community members should sign up to speak on an agenda item before the start of the meeting.  Not all agenda items will have time reserved for public input. Individual input on agenda items will be no more than two minutes.    Community members are able to speak on non-agenda issues during the public questions and concerns agenda item.  Individuals with statements are asked to sign in before the start of the meeting.  Statements will be no more than three minutes during the questions and concerns agenda item.

CTM Meeting Agenda – March 1

Clifton Town Meeting, your community council, is having its regular monthly meeting on Monday, March 1 from 7-9pm. All our meetings are on the community calendar. We hope you will join to learn about what is happening and how you can be involved.

There will be an opportunity at this meeting to vote on how to spend Neighborhood Support Program (NSP) funds. Several projects have been previously identified. All residents in Clifton who attend the meeting can vote.

Click here for the meeting invite and agenda that went to email subscribers. You can become a subscriber here.

Due to the ongoing public health ban on mass gatherings CTM will continue to hold its meetings via video and telephone conference. To join the videoconference click on the following link – https://meet.google.com/xrz-cdcw-ddu. To join via phone, dial (224) 458-3103 and use the following PIN – 228 329758#.

Agenda is as follows:

Start / Duration timeTopic
7:00 / 1 minWelcome to the Google Meet electronic meeting, advice for participation
7:01 / 1 minApprove prior month’s meeting minutes
7:02 / 5 minTreasurer’s Report
7:07 / 5 minLibrary Update
7:12 /15 minCaretaking and Beautification – Statistics and report, Guest Captain Gregoire
7:27 / 30 minNSP Application Discussion and Vote
7:57 / 5 minNBDIP Pre-Application Discussion
8:02 / 5 minArts and Culture Committee update
8:07 / 5 minCommunications Committee
8:12 / 7 minTransportation and Public Safety – Vision Zero resolution, Temporary Bike Lanes
8:19 / 15 minParks Committee – report
8:34 / 15 minHousing and Zoning
8:49 / 5 minClifton Community Organizations Cooperation – report
8:54 / 4 minCommittee and Liaisons Reports
8:58  / 2  minCommunity Questions/Concerns

Please note that public input on agenda items of pressing community concern will be heard after trustee discussion.  Community members should sign up to speak on an agenda item before the start of the meeting.  Not all agenda items will have time reserved for public input. Individual input on agenda items will be no more than two minutes.    Community members are able to speak on non-agenda issues during the public questions and concerns agenda item.  Individuals with statements are asked to sign in before the start of the meeting.  Statements will be no more than three minutes during the questions and concerns agenda item.

Emailing your issue to contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org is another effective way to have your issue or opinion considered by your trustees.  To request an agenda item for the next meeting please email your topic to contactctm@cliftoncommunity.org